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view post Posted on 30/3/2008, 15:03

Sinossi supersintetiche della 4x13 e 4x14:

4x13 "NO MORE MR. NICE GUY." , in onda il 28 aprile 2008

House è rimasta scioccato ed è anche un po' geloso che Amber e Wilson escano insieme. In No More Nice Guy vedremo subentrare anche una certa dose di rivalità.

4x14 Titolo non ancora stabilito, in onda il 5 maggio 2008

In questo episodio, Jason Lewis farà la sua comparsa come guesta star nel ruolo di un attore di soap opera di cui House è grande fan. House, che per seguire la sua soap si rifugia in ogni stanza e ripostoglio dell'ospedale per seguire quotidianamente la sua telenovela preferita, si convince che il personaggio di Lewis è affatto da una malattia.

view post Posted on 31/3/2008, 08:01

Ausiello riporta che in questa stagione era previsto un arc bello sostanzioso sulla relazione House/Cuddy, ma che è statto rimandato alla quinta stagione perchè i responsabili della serie si sono resi conto che non disponevano di abbastanza tempo nella quarta per svilupparlo come merita.

view post Posted on 3/4/2008, 07:26

Ancora Ausiello: Ivana Milicevic (Ugly betty) appareirà nella season finale in un ruolo top-secret. Top secret a parte per due piccoli particolari: il suo personaggio potrebbe o non potrebbe essere vestito tutto di nero, e potrebbe o non potrebbe manifestarsi nel subconscio di House.

view post Posted on 10/4/2008, 20:51

Dal TVGuide

"...also in the two-part finale, a major character may face major surgery, and it becomes a bit of a thing over who works the scalpel."

(thanks to amkf)

visto che c'è il bastone nuovo le metto anche qui

Hugh Laurie relaxing between takes on the set of his hit TV show 'House'. Laurie was showing the American crew the difference be 8 Apr 2008

view post Posted on 11/4/2008, 20:47

Trama ufficiale di No More Mr. Nice Guy

HOUSE dubita della sincerità di un paziente dai modi troppi gentili per non essere malato in "HOUSE" MONDAY, APRILE 28, SU FOX

House sospetta che un paziente del pronto soccorso abbia qualcosa di peggio rispetto alla diagnosi iniziale, perchè trova i suoi modi troppo cordiali. Un House molto scettico dubita dell'atteggiamento fin troppo solare del paziente mentre il team cerca di giungere alle cause primarie della malattia, ma è in disaccordo con House sul fatto che la gentilezza del paziente sia da considerarsi un sintomo. Nel frattempo, House e Amber si contendono il tempo a disposizione da passare con Wilson, e Cuddy chiede a House di produrre delle schede sul rendimento dei nuovi paperi.

Guest Cast: Anne Dudek as Amber; Paul Rae as Jeff; Chad Morgan as Deb; Marwan Ghazali as Delivery Man; Chris Emerson as Young Man; Dina Defterios as Luisa Maria; Bobbin Bergstrom as Nurse

Edited by LaurieLo - 12/4/2008, 00:15
view post Posted on 14/4/2008, 15:33

Titolo della 4x14: LIVING THE DREAM

Episode 4.14 will be called "Living the Dream" and will air on the 5th May 2008.

view post Posted on 15/4/2008, 18:56

Le sinossi degli ultimi quattro episodi della stagione:

Aprile, 28: "No More Mister Nice Guy": House pensa che un paziente del pronto soccorso abbia qualcosa di peggio di quello che gli è stato diagnosticato, basandosi sul fatto che il paziente è troppo amabile. Nel frattempo, House e Amber si contendono il tempo e le attenzioni di Wilson.

Maggio, 5: "Living the Dream": House è convinto che uno degli attori della sua soap preferita "Prescription Passion" soffra di malattia seria, ma né l'attore che il team di House prendono sul serio la sua valutazione, convinti che il figaccione star della telenovela non abbia nessun problema.

Maggio, 12: "House's Head": Nella prima parte della season finale, House è coinvolto nell'incidente di un bus, e perde memoria delle ultime quattro ore. Pian piano recupera parti di memoria e realizza che un altro passengero del bus mostrava i sintomi di una malattia letale. Ma i dettagli di chi sia e di come House si sia ritrovato sul bus sono intrappolati nella sua mente, il quale cerca disperatamente di recupera stralci di ricordi allo scop di salvare qualcuno che potrebbe non sapere di stare per morire.

Maggio, 19: "Wilson's Heart": Nella seconda parte della season finale, alcuni indizi nella mente di House nascondono la chiave della reale condizione del paziente, e l'amicizia tra House e Wilson è testato oltre ogni limite quando ricordi confusi dell'incidente minacciano di cambiare le loro vite per sempre.
view post Posted on 15/4/2008, 20:49

Dal Chicago Tribune

'House' creator speaks: Cameron and Chase fans may not want to hear it
By Maureen Ryan

House" doesn't return until April 28, but there's plenty to talk about before then.
For one thing, there’s a vocal subset of “House” fans who are not pleased with the lack of screen time that Allison Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) and Robert Chase (Jesse Spencer) have gotten thus far in Season 4.

In what I found to be an entertaining story line, last fall 40 potential candidates for House’s diagnostic team were winnowed down to three new staffers over first half of the season. “House” viewers will recall that Chris Taub (Peter Jacobson), Lawrence Kutner (Kal Penn) and Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) made the cut, and that the driven candidate Amber Volakis (Anne Dudek) remains on the scene as James Wilson’s girlfriend.

But the introduction of all those new faces meant that Chase and Cameron, who are working elsewhere at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, haven’t been around much. The show’s producers said last summer and fall that the characters would still be around in Season 4, but I was surprised by how little we ended up seeing them (as were many other loyal “House” viewers, apparently).

Having said that, I didn’t necessarily mind their reduced exposure, and I thought that most of the new characters reinvigorated an already excellent show. But after I mentioned in last Friday’s Web chat that I’d be talking to Shore on Monday, I heard from many disgruntled Cameron/Chase fans.

Well, those folks are probably not going to be gruntled any time soon.

Shore said there are no immediate plans for either doctor to rejoin House’s team, and he added that putting Cameron and Chase back in the forefront is not necessarily “what the show needs.” Though they may get a little more attention in the next round of episodes (they’d had little or no screen time some weeks), the show will still have a large cast of characters to deal with.

“Cameron and Chase are certainly not on screen as much as they used to be, but the stuff they’re doing, I think, takes on a different weight and a greater weight,” Shore said.

“I’m going to say something you’re readers aren’t going to like, but as someone running a television show, you have to be very careful – people think they want something and they do want something, but it’s not what they need, shall we say, and it’s not what the show needs,” Shore said later in the interview. “It’s great that they like those characters. … You want people to want more of things. You have to be careful on what you deliver.”

If anything, I’ve thought that the “House” writing staff needs to decide who to cut from the list of ongoing characters. The show feels a little crowded with so many characters to service each week.

I asked Shore if any cast members would be leaving the show, but he was cagey on the topic, and would only say that something “pretty significant” happens in the two-parter that closes out the season. (“House” will air four episodes starting April 28; for more on what will happen in those episodes, go here; you can also go to the end of this item, where I've posted Fox's plot summaries for the four episodes).

I’ll be posting the complete transcript of my conversation with Shore as “House’s” return date gets closer, but here’s the part of the interview that touched on Chase and Cameron situation (and this part is not spoilery).

MR: There are a whole lot of people on the show now. Has that been challenging, trying to integrate all those characters?

DS: Yeah, like Cameron and Chase are certainly not on screen as much as they used to be, but the stuff they’re doing, I think, takes on a different weight and a greater weight. We are a strange hybrid of a show -- we’re fundamentally a procedural, but there are all of these characters people want to find out more about. And I do too. But I don’t want to change the fundamental nature of the show and there’s only so many pages for us to deal with [character stories]. We’ve got a lot of bodies.

MR: So does that mean some of those bodies will leave the show, that there will be attrition at some point?

DS: Oh, I don’t want that to happen. I like them all.

MR: I happened to mention that I’d be talking to you today in a Web chat last Friday, and I told people to send in their “House” questions. I didn’t expect a lot of them, but I did get quite a few – and a lot of them were from readers who were unhappy with the Chase/Cameron situation. “Where are they? When will they be on screen more?” It sure seemed like some fans were missing those characters.

DS: Well, that’s great. Meaning, that’s what you want to hear. That’s what I mean by being ahead of the curve a little bit [earlier in the interview, we talked about the writers doing the Season 4 "Survivor" challenge as a way to shake up the show before it got too set in its ways].

When you use a character a little less, you don’t want to hear, "Well, it’s about time you did that." It’s good that people want more. We are trying to give all the characters [screen time], all the characters have their fans and we’re trying to give them what they want.

There are no plans to change [Cameron and Chase’s] fundamental roles, we’re not bringing them back into [House’s] team so fast.

I like the fact that they’re not answerable to House anymore, and as a result of that, what they tell House takes on a greater significance. There’s no sense of intimidation. They have grown up, in a way, and we’re having fun with that and we’re trying to do [more of] that. So we’re not losing them. Hopefully we’ll be getting a little more of them than you were getting in the last batch of episodes

MR: In the last bunch of episodes, it seems that one of them might have one scene, and the other one might not be on at all.

DS: Yeah, we’re trying to avoid that. We certainly want them each to have a significant presence [in each episode].

MR: But they aren’t going to be rejoining House’s team, right?

DS: Mmm-hmm [they are not rejoining the team].

MR: It is interesting to see them with this autonomy. There’s a lack of cowering when they interact with House. They’re on a completely different footing.

DS: It does. I don’t think they cowered in fear, but it does change the dynamic. They are now peers, rather than employees.

The other thing is trying to stay true to the reality of the show. They were hired for three-year fellowships to begin with. Both Cameron and Chase had been there for a while at the time of the pilot. And it’s sort of something that becomes I think fake on TV – that people stay in these roles forever. People’s roles change, especially if they’re competent, and these people are competent.

MR: Are the actors restive -- are they wanting more screen time?

DS: They haven’t complained to me. I’m sure they’d like it. They do a good job and they like being here. But I think they also are enjoying [the fact that their characters are] not intimidated by House.

MR: I have to say, when I got to the end of an episode this season, I wasn’t saying, “Boy, I wish there was more of Chase.” I don’t dislike the characters, but there was so much else going on that interested me that I didn’t find myself thinking we should have gotten more of them.

DS: There’s also … I’m going to say something you’re readers aren’t going to like, but as someone running a television show, you have to be very careful – people think they want something and they do want something, but it’s not what they need, shall we say, and it’s not what the show needs. It’s great that they like those characters.

The most obvious [comment] is people saying, “I love the show, can’t you just make House a little nicer?” No. That’s sort of the most egregious example. No, you like him because he is who he is. And if he wasn’t who he is, you wouldn’t like him as much. He wouldn’t be the same person.

And the show as a whole falls into that. And so yes, I changed it. A little bit. And you have to be really careful with these things. It’s a real challenge. You want people to want more of things. You have to be careful on what you deliver.

MR: If the show was going into Season 7 and we were still talking about this crush that Cameron has on House – we’d both be like, “Why are we still talking about this?”

DS: Been there, done that. Yeah, we felt that that had played itself out.

[From later in the interview...]

MR: Are there going to be any major cast changes, in terms of people leaving? Will someone exit the roster of ongoing characters?

DS: Something is happening at the end of this year which I think is pretty significant. I’d rather not say what it is.

MR: You can cut anyone but Wilson.

(seguivano le trame postate da Lo)

view post Posted on 18/4/2008, 22:37

Questa promo pic dall'episodio 4x13 ha una didascalia interessante


HOUSE: House (Hugh Laurie, R) is fascinated when Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard, L) tells him about a fight he had with Amber in the HOUSE episode "Living the Dream"

view post Posted on 20/4/2008, 21:01

Trama ufficiale della 4x14 - “Living the Dream”

House is convinced one of the actors on his favorite soap opera (guest star Jason Lewis) “Prescription Passion” has a serious medical condition after observing his symptoms on television. House decides to intervene and take matters into his own hands, but both the actor and House's own team dismiss House’s assessment and do not believe there is anything wrong with him. Meanwhile, much to House’s delight, Amber and Wilson have their first argument, and Cuddy tries to keep up appearances when an inspector makes an unexpected visit to Princeton-Plainsboro in the “Living the Dream” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, May 5 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/ PT) on FOX

view post Posted on 25/4/2008, 14:46

Trama ufficiale della 4x15 - House’s Head

**SEASON FINALE, Part 1 of 2**—“HOUSE”—(9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1

PA: Viewer discretion is advised.



Fred Durst (“Limp Bizkit”) Guest-Stars

In the first part of a two-part season finale, House finds himself dazed, confused and covered in blood after surviving a bus accident that left dozens seriously injured. Unable to clearly recall the events leading up to the crash due to his head injuries, House becomes convinced through his flashbacks that a fellow bus passenger was exhibiting signs of a deadly illness prior to the crash. Much to the team’s dismay, House pushes through the pain of his own injuries, desperate to piece together the fragments of his shattered memory in order to save someone who might not even know he or she could be dying in the “House’s Head” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, May 12 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/ PT) on FOX. (HOU-415) (TV-14 D, L)

view post Posted on 3/5/2008, 23:40

Trama ufficiale della 4x16 - Wilson's Heart - Season finale


**SEASON FINALE, Part 2 of 2**—“HOUSE”—(9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1

PA: Viewer discretion is advised.


Part 2 of Season Finale

In Part Two of the two-part season finale, House remains inhibited by injuries sustained from a bus accident that has also left a victim rapidly deteriorating from a mysterious condition. Clues inside House's head hold the key to a patient's condition, and House's friendship with Wilson is tested beyond limits as murky memories from the bus accident the night before threaten to change their lives forever in the “Wilson’s Heart” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, May 19 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/ PT) on FOX. (HOU-416) (TV-14 D, L)

Guest Cast: Fred Durst as Bartender

view post Posted on 19/5/2008, 11:55

Dall'intervista rilasciata dai writers della season finale emergono alcune notiziole: che lo spin-off di house non è affatto sicuro, che la relazione House/Cuddy verrà affrontata MA non è certo, che nella season finale non si è tirato in ballo il fratello di Wilson perchè tra il pubblico temono che in pochi si ricordino la storia, che nella quinta stagione - GRAZIE dei di Kobol - tornera' KAPLOW, e che per la quinta stagione cercheranno di reintrodurre i casi della clinic, yeah!

view post Posted on 20/5/2008, 11:50

Dall'intervista alla Jacobs:

"the character relationships and the audience's depth and understanding of them is what we're going to explore in the new season. After this finale, House will never be the same again."

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