JD in Watchmen

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view post Posted on 4/8/2008, 11:55

CITAZIONE (mersil @ 22/7/2008, 21:56)
Scusate ma il fumetto di Watchmen dove si può comprare? In libreria lo trovo oppure devo cercarlo in un negozio di fumetti? Mi piacerebbe comprarlo!!!


Ho fatto il giro delle librerie della mia città, me ne manca solo una, e tutte mi hanno detto che possono ordinarlo ma purtroppo se ne riparla a settembre perchè i fornitori sono in ferie.
Speriamo che la libreria che mi manca di visitare mi dica che ce l'ha già a disposizione altrimenti dovrò aspettare pazientemente il mio ritorno dalle ferie....

A Milano c'è sia in FNAC che alla borsa dle fumetto! In internet si trova facilmente in internet, ma è abbastanza pesante in originale!
view post Posted on 4/8/2008, 16:51

Thanks per le info! Appena torno dalla sicilia vado a prenotarlo in una delle librerie della mia città e se non riesco a procurarmelo lo prenderò la prima volta che vado a milano.

Cmq, a grande richiesta, ecco il link all'immagine che ho mandato a kyra.

view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 15:50

JD al Comic Con parla del suo ruolo di Comedian; intervistato sulla famigerata scena dello strupr@
SPOILER (click to view)
spiego: nel fumetto, è importantisisma la scena in cui lui da giovane salta addosso alla mamma della futura fidanzata di quell'omino blu che avrete visto nelle foto. Non voglio rovinarvi la storia, ma visto che siamo sotto spoiler: lui viene interrotto da un altro eroe mascherato dei Minutemen. Non che questo lo renda meno bastardo di quello che non sia - Comedian adora sparare sulle folle indifese, arrostire col napalm la gente e così via - ma la storia della violenza poi salterà fuori avere dei risvolti.. inaspettati. Ma anche stoot spoiler questo sarebbe infame dirvelo!

Comunque, LINK al video:

Comunque, l'intervistatore deve avere problemi mentali, perchè non solo lo interroga su questa scena (JD dice che è stata dura, e che ha fatto l'errore di vederla e ne è ancora perseguitato!!), ma gli chiede pure se ha fato un training speciale (??!!!!!!!!)! Ma vah?


La pagina di Sentieri Selvaggi dedicata a Watchmen, QUI, con un po' di materiale da scaricare.
view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 16:38

QUI trovate IL TRAILER IN HD DI WATCHMEN: anhe se sono 170Mb, vale la pena vederlo: se scegliete il 1080 è un'esperienza, veramente impressionante. Il mio pc quasi non gliela fa, ma per chi ha una ram decente, consiglio vivamente la visione HD.

Il panel dei WatchMen al Comic Con, su Youtube, QUI:

QUI un'intervista audio, con il bel vocione di Jd che parla di Watchmen al ComicCon. Link diretto.

JD parla di Watchmen a Entertainment Weekly, che a luglio ha dedicato una bellssima copertina e un'esclusiva al film, QUI:
view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 17:41


JD spiega quanto sia temibile l'alto livello di aspettativa intorno alla versione cinematografica di Watchmen, QUI


Altra intervista a JD, viene dopo treminuti e mezzo, prima c'è l'intervista a Matthew Goode, QUI!


Watchmen: ancora altre interviste, più altro materiale (diari, behind ther scenes etc..), QUA, scrollate la barra sulla destra del sitoe cliccate "Watchmen Interviews"! Ah ah, Mathew Goode ha fatto l'audition tape in bagno come Hugh!!!


Bello lui, intervista no.3888888 dal Comicon: quanto è stato difficile interpretare Comedian? Un bel po'!


Anche QUI, gli chiedono come è "diventato" il Comedian!

NB: alcuni di questi video, sebbene non siano "embeddable" (quando non metto il video nel post è perchè non era possibile), tuttavia sono scaricabili. Non tutti, ma alcuni si. Se ne desiderate una copia da conservare, chiedete pure, magari è uno di quelli che sono riuscita a salvare.!


Intervista a JD e all'interprete di Rorschach:


Jeffrey Dean Morgan had just flown in to San Diego from Thailand and was right on the edge of delirious. Jackie Earle Haley was his usual meditative, thoughtful self. That means these two together gave long answers, rarely just tossing off one liners or yeses or noes (and you have no idea how often that happens). I wonder if Warner Bros paired them for that reason. Or if because they both have three names.

Or maybe it's because they're both playing among the most morally complex characters in the book. Morgan, as the Comedian, is a government killer and all around asshole... with a heart. And Haley is the fascist, insane vigilante scourge of the underworld... with a seriously wounded inner child. And they both do things that they think are right, or that they think they have the right to do, that might make the rest of us blanch.

Beware of some minor spoilers in the following interview.

Jackie, you're playing the most popular character in the book, the disturbed vigilante Rorschach. What was that like?

Morgan: I argue that point.

Haley: It was an absolutely awesome experience. Getting to go out there and work with the likes of Jeffrey Dean, Patrick, Billy, Malin, Carla, Matt - it was just a real treat. Zack Snyder, his vision for this thing, was incredibly exciting for all of us. The whole goal out there was to try and stick as close as we could to the tone and meaning and the whole thought-provoking aspect of Watchmen. It's kind of funny, I realized this today talking to press, looking over at Zack at the monitor, I saw him more with the comic book in his hand than the script.

Morgan: Easily.

Haley: It was an awesome experience to delve into this character with Zack and get what makes him tick. To find who he is and to work with the make-up department, the wardrobe department, because they're so much part of the character. They helped me make him.

Jeffrey, your character has this huge arc, but so much of it happens off screen, in flashbacks, popping in and out of the story out of sequence. How hard was it for you to capture that arc without playing any of the key moments in it?

Morgan: I had to break down the novel a lot and have a very clear idea every day of what I was doing and where I was in that arc. But the best thing about playing the Comedian is that I span from 1927 to 1984, and the changes that happen to the Comedian in that time, there are a couple of very specific things that happen in this man's life that do alter him. There is a human side to this man that you finally see and that's surprising because he is such a bastard. Getting to play that was for me the reason I wanted to do it so badly. What I was so fascinated by when reading the comic is how I didn't hate the Comedian, and you sure should hate this guy for the actions that he makes happen, but you don't. Trying to bring that as an actor so that you guys in the audience understand why he has done what he has done, and why he has become this man, is a real thrill as an actor. It's just about breaking this stuff down, paying attention. And like Jackie said, Zack was instrumental for all of us. He knows this book so damn well and we all do at this point, but he was so good at communicating with us and helping us remember where we were at any given moment. In a movie like this you're all over the place - on any given day we're shooting me falling out the window and the next day it's Rorschach splitting a dog in two. Nothing's in order so you always have to refer to Zack. And we all care so much about this friggin' piece of work. The passion that's involved in this by the cast and the crew and the studio is so intense - it's like doing a little independent movie where you have no budget but you get it done because you care so much about it. That's what this was like, only on a huge friggin' scale. But we all came at it like this is it, and we care so much about the original piece of work.

Jackie, Rorschach wears a mask that covers his whole face. How do you act through that?

Haley: The short answer is that regardless of the mask I've got to do all the work of an actor to fully understand my character, so that I can try to embody that internally. Try to find his emotional state, try to find where he's been, what his experiences have been, what makes him tick. After getting to that place I had to perform in the mask and the outfit, which I found to be very empowering, it made me feel like Rorschach. But at the same time I'd find that looking at the monitor that some of what I was feeling and emoting wasn't coming through. As an actor I had to live and breathe and feel and be Rorschach, but at the same time perhaps throw in some external layers so that it's also coming through. Some days I felt like I was animating the suit. Which is what I needed to do.

You made an audition tape for this. Any chance of us seeing that?

Morgan: I want to see it!

Haley: I sure hope not.

Morgan: It had to be good. It got you the job!

What's your favorite scene for your character?

Morgan: I have a soft spot for the Keene riots myself just because seeing those sets and the Owlship above me and the crowd of people and everything on fire - it was so surreal, and it came alive for me. At that moment I realized what I was doing and it was overwhelming. I haven't seen one frame of that, by the way, but it was the comic book come to life right before my very eyes. It was something else. I hope the scene came out well!

Haley: I can't answer it. Every scene is... the whole process was amazing. Some scenes were disturbing to me, stuck with me. The role I did before this [in Little Children] - that guy should have stuck with me and he didn't. I could leave him on the set, but for some reason Rorschach, that guy followed me home. The end scene - and I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to spoil it - that was kind of an amazing, emotional day on a lot of different levels. That was a trippy scene to work on.

Jackie, Alan Moore intended Rorschach as a deconstruction of the vigilante character, and he's supposed to be sort of repulsive. But he's also the coolest character in the book. There's this endless twenty year back and forth about whether we should think Rorschach is as cool as we do - where do you stand?

Haley: I think I've got a foot in both camps. Alan Moore said something to the effect that when they were designing the character in the book that Rorschach was meant to be an example of what could happen in a world where costumed vigilantes exist, and by that I think he meant how things could go wrong. I think he was surprised by how everybody could relate to this guy. I know for me that what I love about him is that who he is is kind of impossible - his conviction, his absolutism, his no-compromise standing is a really interesting virtue. His remorseless violence at striking out at those who would victimize the innocent is kind of fascinating to me. There's no discussion about it. Who he is is a direct result of similar treatment to him. He was victimized by his mom. His mom was trying to do well. She did the best she could for little Walter. She was a prostitute. Why? Because she had to put food on the table. But in his eyes, and in mine, that's a lot of complex excusism. Her behaviors spoke a lot louder than what she said she means. He saw that and it tweaked the heck out of him, and I think every punch, every kick, every bad guy he brings down is in direct relationship to him trying to protect little Walter.


altra intervista:

Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Comedian) Talks Watchmen!
Published August 4, 2008 in Movie Interviews
By Fred Topel

Jeffrey Dean Morgan was not a comic book reader before he got cast in Watchmen. withOnce he was hired to play The Comedian, he took it very seriously and continues to look to the source material.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan The Comedian

"I had never read the novel," Morgan admitted. "I got sent the novel and have read it twenty five times since. I'll probably read it another twenty five times before this movie comes out. You guys are smart. Everyone that's interviewed us has read this thing and they know it inside and out and it's intimidating. The fan base for Watchmen is an intimidating group of people who are very knowledgeable. We've got to know our stuff. We needed to know it then and we have to continue to know it. That's the funniest thing. I was rereading the book last night because I was like, 'I have to revisit this thing right now.'"

Morgan held up to fan scrutiny at San Diego Comic Con. "There's so many layers though in this book. I've read this thing twenty five times and every time I read it I discover something new. There's something else in there. We haven't seen anything either. What we just saw was the first print that we've seen and that just blows me away. Seeing Jackie, this mask working, I mean it's just like [hisses]. As actors and what we bring to it, it's like a whole process where you do a scene five times and each time there's going to be little changes. I would hope that we're going to bring more than just Rorschach and the Comedian and they'll jump off the pages and we'll blow away all the expectations and ours."

The Comedian is a pretty brutal character, shooting a pregnant woman and attempting rape. "We're staying very, very true to this whole thing, man. That's there. It had to be. It's a big kind of defining moment for my character. It had to be there. That's the history of the scar and the whole deal so you can't take that away, man. The actions of The Comedian and of Rorschach are brutal sometimes. This is something that's a little different than I've ever done. I had hard times with it too. There are a couple of things that The Comedian does that I never ever in a million years would've thought it was something that I would even think twice about as an actor, but I could make no excuses for it. So it was a couple of rough days of filming where I was just like, 'This is tough.'"

Going through that suggested to Morgan that perhaps such characters are not so black and white. "Now, the actions of The Comedian and Rorschach, you say that they're defined, but I don't. I tend to not agree with that. I think the changes, the arc that both these characters go through are substantial arcs and their very beings are questioned and they question themselves which for me is what attracted me so much to The Comedian. At first glance it's like, 'Oh, you're playing this bastard, just a mean son of a bitch.' But the more I looked into this character, there're layers to this guy. How do you read a book about a guy that does the things he does and yet you sympathize with him? How the hell does that happen? I found that fascinating. I know that Jackie discovered it too and we found that we had a very similar kind of experience while making this movie in that it was tough as actors. Some of the stuff that we do is stuff that stuck with us a little bit."


Edited by LaurieLo - 8/8/2008, 19:20
view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 18:31

Oh ma quanta bella roba. Grazie mille! Putroppo dovrò aspettare settembre per poter vedere tutti i video perchè la mia attuale connessione (non ho l'adsl a portata di mano perchè sono in ferie) non ce la fa a caricare/scaricare.....
Non vedo l'ora di vedere il film....
view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 21:54

e ora ... FOTO! Ho trovato dei posati e delle promo cap giganti, inoltre, sono impazzita per il trailer con la canzone degli Smashing Pumpkins che si sentiva anche in Transformers - Doomsday Clock - e ho fatto un po' di caps giganti. Inoltre, non avevo avuto il tempo di postarle, ma avevo fatto lo stesso con un behind the scenes HD trovato su Yahoo. Delle foto ufficiali della Warner trovate la versione 800 e in thumbnail, il formato originale.


Ah ah! Ritagliata dalla foto di gruppo dei minutemen.


Ritagliata dal poster del Comedian. Mamma quant'è cattivo qui..


la prima che uscì....


le promo stills:




Versioni HQ:

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NB: le seguenti 3 immagini sono in UHQ, sono tipo 5000/6000 pixel di larghezza, per cui non sono riuscita a caricarle su imageshack. Ho provato un altro host, se ci sono problemi fatemi sapere che ve le invio. Questi capolavori vanno goduti in tutta la loro estensione!

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view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 22:20


Le cap della Lo, se le ripostate, please le accreditate a redkoros e/o al forum? Non mi va di taggarle!













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view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 22:35

Dal trailer HD 1080 (giusto quei 170mb pochisismo compressi che il mio pc vede a scatti, ovviamente saltando giusto JD...)



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view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 22:44

Quante pelle immagini! Quella ritagliata dal poster e quella dove punta la pistola mi piacciono da impazzire....
view post Posted on 8/8/2008, 22:59

AND... LAST BUT NOT LEAST: il wallpaper di Comedian e .... beh, ho grabbato gli sfondi del sito ufficiale di Watchmen e ne ho fatto dei bei wallpaper 1280x800. ENJOY!

Diciamocelo, non è sto granchè sto wallpaper ufficiale...



Me la sono ritagliata un po':


Lo sfondo del sito in Flash di Watchmen, invece, è MAGNIFICO!!!! Infami, come mai non hanno scelto questa immagine per il wallpaper? Pensavano veramente che il Flash potesse arrestare la mia attrazione per JD?? Ovviamente mi sono grabbata lo sfondo e ci ho fatto dei wallpaper..., che condivido con voi!


Ecco i walls (nonmi sono sprecata molto come vedete, li ho giusto ritagliati e tolto qualcosa dall'immagine):

image image

view post Posted on 9/8/2008, 00:22

Il wallpaper che hai tratto dal sito è semplicemente meraviglioso! Quando sono andata a visitare il sito mi è venuto un colpo. Sono rimasta a guardare l'immagine di JD per non so quanto tempo, è magnifico....
Grazie mille per i wall, soprattutto per l'ultimo....
view post Posted on 9/8/2008, 00:36

tutto fantastico!!
grazie mille Lo image
view post Posted on 9/8/2008, 17:50

Grazie Lo, sono stupendi!!! :White02:
Cmq a me piace anche quello ufficiale... e il poster.. e insomma mi piace TUTTO!!!

Per la scena incriminata (povero caro, lo perseguita!), mi sarei prestata come controfigura volentieri, sapete com'è, magari l'attrice era impressionabile alla violenza..

CITAZIONE (mersil @ 9/8/2008, 01:22)
Quando sono andata a visitare il sito mi è venuto un colpo. Sono rimasta a guardare l'immagine di JD per non so quanto tempo, è magnifico....

Idem anch'io! occhio sgranato e labbro pendulo.. image
view post Posted on 14/8/2008, 10:20

grazie mille ragazze,il trailer è nà figata non vedo l'ora che esce.
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