Intervista a Katie Jacobs

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view post Posted on 20/5/2008, 08:46


Intervista a Katie Jacobs di Korbi Ghosh su zap2it

In part one of the House finale, we found everyone's favorite cranky doc suffering from head injuries after a serious bus crash. But by the end of the hour, we discovered that Wilson's lady, Amber, was one of the Jane Doe victims in far worse condition. In part two, House will struggle through his short-term memory loss, trying to remember why he and his best friend's woman were together in the first place. We'll learn the facts as his health worsens, says House executive producer, Katie Jacobs, who was kind enough to field more than a few questions about the finale's conclusion, which airs tonight. Her answers will only make you want to watch more...

Every year, you do something special for the season ender. Did anything in particular spark this idea?
I think what has proven to be exciting for us is having a season finale that juggles up what has become the norm on our show, so that when we go back for the next season, we’re looking forward to what the new configuration will look like and what the promise of new relationships will be. So we sort of do it for ourselves and hope the audience likes it! You sort of want people to think, what is that show going to look like when it comes back? And of course there are certain things that will never change. It’s a medical mystery with House at the head, first and foremost. We’ll never forget that. But within that, we are enjoying all the characters stories and the relationships, and something big is about to happen!

I heard the first half of this particular story was initially supposed to air after the Superbowl, but because of the strike, you had to switch things up.
Yes, once we were back at work, we thought about it, and were able to reconceive it and then made it.
Had we not been interrupted by the strike, these two episodes would have been the next episodes, but we pushed them back and were able to cement certain relationships before the finale

When you brought Anne Dudek back, did you have her character (Amber, aka Cutthroat Bitch) specifically in mind for this big story?

So when she was fired by House last Fall, did you already know she’d be back? Or did her popularity with the fans inspire her return?
The funny thing is that when she was fired, she was really fired. And it was much to our dismay. We were heartbroken, but there was no way we could accommodate that large of a team. However, we’re always looking for new stories that allow us to see different aspects of House. So the idea that Wilson would fall in love -- that House’s best friend would actually meet someone who would take away his time from House -- was interesting to us. We loved Anne and thought, if Wilson fell in love, it would probably be with someone like Cutthroat Bitch. He sort of has an attraction to some of the similar qualities that are in both House and Amber. And we really wanted to explore what this situation would do to their friendship? That’s what the finale will explore.

The first part of the finale seemed to suggest that there might be something scandalous going on between Amber and House, no?
You know what, the thing that’s cool about it is that House has lost four hours of memory right before the crash, so the question of why he and Amber were together, why they were at a bar together, why they are drinking together, it’s very scary. There’s a number of ways that it could go and that’s what you’ll find out in the finale: exactly what happened in the bar. And you’re right to be thinking of that possibility. It’s terrifying for House and for us, as an audience, to think that he would [be involved with his best friend's girl]. But House is such an unexpected character that I don’t really think we know what lines he will and won’t cross.

I know you can’t say whether Amber lives or dies, but if she makes it, will we see her around next season?
I honestly can’t say that, not because I’m hiding, but because I really don't know the answer yet. There are certain things we know about season five already, but there are others we don't know anything about. I wish it was all well thought out, but we really don't have much time to think about everything beforehand.

Have you been able to make any decisions regarding Jesse Spencer and Jennifer Morrison’s roles next season? I’m sure you’ve heard the fans wondering why their parts seemed to decrease this year -- though, in the last few episodes, Chase and Cameron have been popping back into House's world in new ways. Will this continue?
I will say, I actually stopped reading all the message boards and stuff because I think the fans were understandably upset with us about what happened. We never intended for [Cameron and Chase] to fall into the background. What we were trying to do at the beginning of season four is what I told you we’re doing at the beginning of season five, which is create new opportunities for House to react and behave in his world. But it was never our idea to see less of [Cameron and Chase]. Having said that, it took us a while to introduce the new characters and find a way to effectively integrate Cameron and Chase. I am so happy with the way they are falling in now, just because whenever I see them on the screen, by virtue of the fact that there are new "ducklings," [Cameron and Chase] have more weight. Every time I see Jesse in the OR or in House’s office, you see that the boy has become a man. I feel like their characters have actually benefited from us bringing in new people and the only loss is that they haven’t been onscreen as much. I love when they’re onscreen, so it’s just a question of storytelling and hopefully there will be tons of opportunities to see everyone more

I assume that 13, Taub and Cutner, will be sticking around next season?
They are all a part of our world now and they are all contractually part of House now. But, like I said, what is going to happen with any of them, I know a little bit, but not a lot. We’re figuring it out as we speak.

Assuming they do stick around, are we going to see more of their personal lives next season?
I think we should and I think we will. What [creator] David [Shore] and I are so pleased with is that we have all these mysteries to hang our hat on, which actually gives us more opportunity to explore character. And the more we learn about House, the more we learn about these other characters. That’s what we’re aiming for.

Of course I have to ask the obligatory Cuddy question. She was half-naked in last week’s episode, giving House a lap dance, but it was a fantasy. We have heard that they previously had some sort of a physical relationship, but is this the closest we’re going to come to seeing them consummate things?
This is the thing -- and I don’t want to be coy and I don’t want to piss people off -- but there is heat and chemistry between them and I never want to see that go away because that is the essence of their relationship. Not having worked out everything for season five and hopefully season six, I can't say what will happen between them, but we’ll never ignore it because, as I said, it’s the very essence of them. She wouldn’t forgive him over and over again if he wasn’t so brilliant in her eyes, clearly she’s got a soft spot for him. And he has one for her. You will continue to see that.

Cameron has also admitted in the past to having a thing for House. And now, of course, there’s Amber. You, as a creator of all these characters, do you see any one of them being better suited for him than another?
That's an interesting question. There are qualities that make each of those women attractive to him, but I think that whether or not House's relationship with someone is going to work is more about House. What's really in question is, is House even capable of [being committed to someone]. Does he want to expose himself to vulnerability and falling in love? Who is the most attractive and who is the least scary that way? It’s definitely an ongoing struggle for him. He’s pretty miserable.

Last season the show ended with a big change as Foreman, Cameron and Chase went their separate ways, and as you said, you want people to watch the finale and think, how is this show going to be different when they come back? Does this mean there will be a cliffhanger of sorts this year?
No, I wouldn’t call it a cliffhanger -- the ultimate definition of a cliffhanger being “Who shot JR?” -- I wouldn’t say it’s that. I would say it’s like turning the brew on something ever so slightly. Everybody’s going to go back to work [next season], but something's going to be different. I hope it’s similar to what happens in real life when something changes one or more of your relationships at work. This is not an accurate parallel, but for example, what happens when two people go to the Christmas party, get drunk, go home and sleep together and then go back to work? As I said before, the structure of the show will never change. The audience can always count on a great medical mystery each week. But the character relationships and the audience's depth and understanding of them is what we're going to explore in the new season. After this finale, House will never be the same again.

view post Posted on 20/5/2008, 09:22

interessante....Amber è ritornata a furor di popolo...ottima decisione, visti i risultati
view post Posted on 23/10/2009, 17:42

intervista alla jacobs via twitter, 20 ottobre 2009:

Walk us through the process of choosing music for a House episode ... Thanks!
A: i listen to lots of music and keep a running file of songs that have a "house" vibe. then i match the music with the episode.

Q: Does your Husband still work on the show too?
A: no he doesn't. an embarrassment of riches, family and work. long hours.

Q: Do you ever feel the need to slap RSL?
A: we slap each other daily!

Q: Any good House/Cuddy stuff coming up, in the near future? Are House and Cuddy any closer to getting together this season?
A: as you know, their relationship is complicated. it's like a dance: they get two steps closer, and then take three steps back.

A: sometimes, in dance, you take four steps forward and only 3 back :)
Q: REALLY???Thank you! You all guys are amazing!!! (Hope they'll dance a lot this season!!!!)

Q: Are you planning to give House/Cameron fans any glimpse of hope ?
A: where would we be without hope? i truly don't know what the end of the season holds. thanks for watching.

Q: Any news on Jennifer returning to House? I hope Cameron won't be gone for long, I'll miss her!
A: no news yet.

Q: Will House & Cuddy kiss again (for real no hallucination/dream/memory/delusion) any time soon?
A: oh god, you know how fraught those workplace romances are...thanks for watching :)

A: i love bones. we shoot on the same lot, so i see the showrunner all the time @harthansen. he's really cute.

Q: when Jennifer Morrison is coming back to House? TV Guide doesn't say. Thanks
A: we're in the middle of our season, and truly have not decided where we will go at the end of the season.

Q: Which of the upcoming episodes are you the most excited / happiest about? Any you feel particularly proud of?
A: they're all my children :)

Q: Your daughter is beautiful in case you hadn't noticed. Will we ever see her on the show?
A: i'm happy to say she's guest starring in ep. 7 "known unknowns". very proud.

Q: I love the show,specially the music in every episode which I heard you choose. Are we going to see HL playing the piano soon?
A: i love when house plays the piano, the harmonica, and the guitar!

Q: Will House ever go into drug addiction again?
A: that's the question :)

Q: Do you prefer being a "showrunner" or directing? Or is it impossible to choose? "Broken" was awesome, by the way!
A: impossible to choose, how did you know?

Q: Of all the fantastic directors on House, you have directed my favs! You find such great nuance IN every scene! Do you plan to direct every season (I hope) or do you decide as scripts come in?
A: directing consumes me, so it's hard to know how many i will do.

Q: since it is House, I'm assuming he will return to his usual tricks. How will you keep things fresh w/the same formula?
A: the characters are always changing, even if the "medicine" stays the same.

Q: When will you plan the second half of season?
A: good question! 24 episodes a year is a sh*t load of work :)

Q: i would like to know where wilson was when house had the infarction and his opinion about this?
A: such a good question!!! he wasn't with house, but muscle death is extremely hard to diagnose.

Q: will we see any other scene at Maynsfield hospital? will House ever be back to Maynsfield??
A: it's not in our current fan, but as i said before, who knows where the end of the season will go.

Q: Do ya think that House is capable of LOVE? I mean, after Stacy and all?BTW, we luv ya!
A: life and love is a process :)

Q: will house ever move back to his own apartment anytime soon?
A: can't answer that! SPOILER!

Q: will we get to find out more about House & Cuddy's history in any upcoming episodes?!
A: yes!

Q: could u define yourself as huddy? they are amaaaaazing!
A: i am many things

Q: What is your all time favorite episode of House?
A: the pilot

Q: Ms.Jacobs, do you read reviews of the season or of episodes, like ? Or do you avoid them? & great music!
A: i go back and forth. it can really hurt sometimes.

Q: Which is your favourite House/Willson and House/Cuddy scene??
A: i like the house/wilson at the end of the tyrant. house/cuddy? end of season 5.

Q: The past of the characters will be more explored? Before the infarction, before PPTH? The timeline is pretty messy.
A: it's hard to go back and forth in time, revealing more about the characters is what interests us most.

Q: While I don't think you've gotten writing credis, are you involved in some degree with the scripts? The writers are brilliant
A: the characters yes, less on the medical

Q: Will there be a new regular character introduced this season?
A: maybe!

Q: Will there at least be some nice House/Cameron scenes before she has to leave? There are many, many fans waiting out there :-)
A: i directed the first house/cameron kissing scene. will there be more? hard to know :)

Q: Do we need to keep worring about House's sanity and are there physical reasons behind his problems?
A: definitely.

Q: read that HL plays the saxophone (I don't know for sure) We'll see him play it in House. Maybe next season? Thanks.
A: he's incredibly musical. if you heard he plays the sax, then i'm sure it's true.

Q: Can you tell us how old are House, Cuddy and Wilson?? a little bit confused after TSC.
A: ageless :)

Q: Was Franke Potente always going to guest star or specifically cast for the role of Lydia?
A: i had a general meeting with her. the role of lydia came after.

Q: how could Houses leg pain 'magically disappear' after the detox in Mayfield and could be managed just by Ibuprofen? Hose stayed of Vicodin after the ketaminetreatment and the pain still returned,so it couldn't have just been opioiddependency Does it mean, House feels as bad as ever and maybe more, but he fears the hallucinations a bit more than the pain?
A: it's still a real struggle for him. he still has pain, he's managing it with non-narcotics, but it's still a struggle for him.

Q: And your favorite House/Cameron scene?
A: i can't think fast enough to say my absoulte favorite. i did love when she was cleaning his wound in the episode starring mos def.

Q: Do you guys read the episode feedback thread on Fox Community?
A: i'm way too sensitive.

Q: I'm terribly curious if producers ever come across fan creations, like videos/websites/fanart, etc. Do you try to avoid it?
A: i don't try to avoid, but i must admit i haven't seen any.

Q: Do we get to see more clinic scenes this season? Those always bring such a nice humor to the show - also very HOUSE!
A: there are a few coming up. i love them too.

Q: Love the show!!! will we see some more cuddy in future episodes? cause i kinda miss her...
A: when she's not there, i miss her too. yeah she's around.

Q: What is your favorite part of your job?
A: getting to work with the amazing writers, producers, actors, and crew. they're like my family.

Q: Amber hallucinations put on the backburner?
A: hallucinations are on backburner.

Q: why did you forget about the House /Cameron relationship?It is like it never happened!There will be some hope for hameron?
A: i have never forgotten about it. sorry if it feels that way in the episodes. keep watching :)

Q: has Hugh Laurie ever thought about writing an episode himself?
A: yes.

Q: We'll found out soon How House and Cuddy met and what went wrong after their one night stand? Plz answer this. ;)
A: you learn more about their early days in an upcoming episode.

Q: emotional and intellectual connections are important, but please tell us sex won't remain overrated forever-congrats on Broken
A: that was my flip response to mike auiesslio. of course sex is not overrated!

questa donna mi orripila sempre più, dovrebbe darsi alla politica (ho in mente anche il partito).
Sapremo cosa qualcosa sulla relazione house cuddy degli inizi. fine degli spoiler.
2 replies since 20/5/2008, 08:46   197 views