House @ The Envelope Primetime Emmy Screening series

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view post Posted on 14/6/2008, 15:03

Il 12 giugno a Los Angeles c'è stato l'Emmy primetime screening series, evento organizzato da The Envelope.


C'erano Hugh, Robert, Omar, David Shore la jaco :sick:

proiezione di WIlson's Heart e... segue dibattito :D
ecco alcuni articoli e resoconti

Nota: il più grande è sotto spoiler ma ce ne sono altri in giro... anche sulla season v.

'House' Secrets Revealed
A screening of the House season finale and a Q&A with the cast (plus, free House bumper stickers and magnets!) attracted viewers from as far as Northern California, who arrived as early as noon to wait in line for tickets. In attendance was the “sexy, surly pinup boy” (according to our moderator) Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard, Omar Epps, executive producer/creator David Shore, executive producer/director of the screened episode Katie Jacobs and director of photography Gale Tattersall. Among the secrets they revealed...

On season five: Everyone was incredibly tight-lipped, but they did say that they went straight from shooting season four into shooting season five. So even if there is a SAG strike, we’ll still have some new House to look forward to.

SPOILER (click to view)
On the decision to kill Amber: “We don’t have a [death] quota, but we are conscious of [mortalities being needed on the show],” David shared. The main question the writers ask themselves is, does the death serve a purpose for the story? With Amber, they knew when they brought her back that they were going to kill her, because they wanted to explore what would happen if House couldn’t save the woman that Wilson loved. That theme will extend itself into season five.

On what we didn’t see in the season four finale: Robert shared that a conversation between Cameron and Wilson in the cafeteria was cut. He said it was a really sweet scene and was disappointed it didn’t make the final version of the episode. Maybe it'll be included in the DVD extras.

On the major cast changes after season three: “The notion that people would keep working for [House] indefinitely is not real,” David said. He felt it would've been unrealistic to pretend that Cameron, Chase and Foreman would stay forever and put up with his crap, and after season three seemed like the right time for them to move forward since their fellowship with House was only supposed to last three years.

On Foreman returning to House's team: Omar (who pretended to storm out of the panel when he found out the Lakers had lost the playoff game that was airing while the event was going on) said that Foreman is currently between a rock and a hard place, because while he’s the head of the new ducklings, nothing has really changed. He still has to work for House. He was hesitant about saying that Foreman likes House, but shared that, despite their differences, Foreman respects him. As far as upcoming romantic possibilities for the character, Omar joked that Foreman is asexual.

On the House/13 relationship: Next season, they will explore the contrast between these two, as related to their individual illnesses -- House’s being an external sickness, 13's Huntington's disease being an internal sickness. As for any sexual tension between the two? “I think the sexual tension comes from the way [Olivia Wilde] looks!” David joked.

Hugh Laurie on House: “I love him, but that sounds a little weird,” he laughed. Hugh sees House as a romantic character, comparing him to the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera. He said that, from the pilot, House really didn’t want to interact with patients, partially because he was self-conscious about his limp and his physical limitations, which Hugh views in a romantic light.

Hugh Laurie Audition Facts: He couldn’t find a cane to bring to the audition, so he used an umbrella. Katie shared that Hugh wore a button that said “sexy” into the room. He insists it was simply his attempt at being ironic. While the pilot script called for House to be 34, David insists that he never wanted House to be that young. He was also worried about the chosen actor being too “chiseled," because “if Brad Pitt had played the part, you would have gone, oh shut up!’”


Laurie makes a 'House' call

Hugh Laurie and the others stars of the critically acclaimed FOX drama/comedy "House" made appearances at a special screening of an episode on June 12 at Arclight Cinema in Hollywood.

"House" creator and executive producers were also in attendance.

With "House" in its fourth season, Laurie said he is happy with the direction of the show.

"I never tire of it, to be honest," Laurie said. "I never tire of the character. I love him. I find the stories endlessly fascinating."

Laurie had the crowd laughing when he said House just completed Episode 90, which "in England it takes us 300 years to do."

The TV show focuses around Gregory House (Hugh Laurie), who uses sarcastic humor to carry out his unfaltering and unconventional methods as a doctor.

House makes it difficult for fellow doctors Eric Foreman (Omar Epps) and James Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) to work with him in diagnosing patients based on his random gut instincts and trial and error approaches to medicine.

"It was unreal that they would put up with his crap," said David Shore, the show's creator and executive producer. "When we reached the end of Season Three, the notion that people would continue working for this man (House) was not real."

The episode they were screening was called "Frozen," which combined drama with humor, the show's hallmarks.

House and the other doctors are forced to "freeze" a woman to properly diagnose her condition. When a doctor cannot take the pressure of the situation, she retreats to the bathroom, where House soon meets her.

House takes a seat in the stall next to her and sticks his foot into her stall.

"Sorry. I have a wide stance," says House.

The writers were obviously mocking the infamous Sen. Larry Craig restroom stall encounter, which shows "House" is not afraid to make fun of controversial issues.

The question and answer session kept being interrupted by Omar Epps's cell phone. When asked what he was reading, Epps responded, "I want to know when the Lakers score."

A fan in the crowd shouted, "Lakers down by five."

"Damn," said Epps as he playfully got up from his seat and pretended to walk off in frustration. "Thank you."

To get back to the matter at hand, Mary McNamara, television critic for the L.A. Times and moderator for the evening, asked Epps about his love life on the show.

"Foreman is asexual," said Epps, poking fun at his character. "We'll leave that up to Hugh."

Laurie's charismatic demeanor and English accent had the women in the audience swooning over the 49-year-old star. The audience interacted with the cast as they shouted out potential love interests for Laurie's character in the upcoming season.

McNamara used the crowd's feedback to dive into her next question about character choices and why certain characters are written out of the script.

"The writers had to figure out ways to get rid of doctors," Leonard said. "We can't have 17 doctors."

Executive producers of the show say they find getting rid of characters to be a difficult and unpleasant task.

"Week to week, we did not know what characters were going to stay," Executive Producer Katie Jacobs said. "When they'd (cast members) get a call from us, they knew they were sunk."

Jacobs said they would visit them at home after a while, "but when they saw us coming, they would run the other way."

Epps's character does not have to worry about getting that phone call or house visit. When talking about the show and its complex plots, Epps said, "As an artist you want to be challenged."

"It's good to be challenged," Epps said. "That's what keeps you interesting."

When asked by McNamara if the show has made him a hypochondriac, Epps said, "I wash my hands five times a day now."

The event was part of the Envelope Screening Series from the Los Angeles Times, along with Olay.


view post Posted on 14/6/2008, 15:40




wow, grazie... è la prima foto che vedo... si è tagliato i capelli?????? :blink:

Omar non smentisce mai il suo look da ''sono membro in una gang!!'' :D

forse l'avevate vista in giro, è una pin, ovvero spilla, per 'promuovere' le nominations degli Emmy... e mi hanno detto che durante il dibattito HOUSE sono state distribuite a tutti i presenti in sala.... uff... la voglio anche IO!!!

Thank-Hugh!!!! :wub:
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view post Posted on 14/6/2008, 16:30

Look "burbero", direi....I like it!
Mo' leggo.

view post Posted on 14/6/2008, 20:49

Grazie, m-ouse e Marita! :wub: Ma quant'è carino, coi capelli più corti!! :woot: :woot:
view post Posted on 14/6/2008, 21:27

un santo ha ripreso l'evento... andate qui :GrazieGrazie:
view post Posted on 18/6/2008, 00:21

finalmente quelli di the envelope si sono decisi a mettere un filmato on-line

ecco un po' di cap, giusto per diradare la nebbia di youtube :D


per il filmato andate qui

p.s. vi state domandando dove sia la jacobs?
beh almeno nelle mie cap.... :P
view post Posted on 18/6/2008, 09:13

Che belle cappine, accidenti!! Bello anche il filmato! :woot: :woot: Maritina! :wub:
Il mio piccolo contributo...

view post Posted on 18/6/2008, 09:21

Bellissime grazie! Carinissima quella di RSL!
view post Posted on 18/6/2008, 13:59

direttore dell'ospedale

Cuddy Fan
Twin Peaks


Ahhhh grazie!!! :wub:
view post Posted on 19/6/2008, 05:03

Grazie per le cappine.....non riesco a vedere il filmato...amen
Nella prima ha un'aria tenerina.....

ditemi quello che volete ma, secondo me, è stanco morto...ha l'espressione di uno che raderebbe al suolo con una ruspa ogni minima manifestazione della presenza dell'uomo e se ne andrebbe in vacanza.....ovunque purchè distante da L.A.

...per questo a distanza m'è sembrato così antipatico.....MANDATELO IN FERIE!!!!

view post Posted on 19/6/2008, 11:56

finalmente ho guardatoi le clip di Youtube, di cui non ho capito assolutamente l'ordine originale..., comunque: Hugh al solito si è sforzato di fare l'emento comico della serata, tirando su nei momenti più comatosi, RSL e Epps che si tirano la palla l'un l'altro per non rispondere, carinissimi, Epps che dice che il suo personaggio rimarrà asessuato è stato l'unico momento in cui mi è parso sopportabile, Shore sembrava affranto, la Jacobs se la incontro rendo orfani i suoi figli che sicuramente mi ringrazieranno.

In ogi caso, sarò rimbambita, ma non ho capito la storia del bottone: allora era falsa?
view post Posted on 19/6/2008, 13:00




povero... anche secondo me è ridotto un pò uno straccio.... nei video di YT il viso non si vedeva bene e la cosa non si notava tantissimo, ma in quello del sito Sì!..ha un'aria proprio stanca.... :(

Io spero solo che sia per esigenze di copione, ovvero che House sia messo malino in queste puntate.... sennò povero Hugh... o terza opzione... ha fatto i bagordi la notte prima.... e non c'ha mica + l'età ormai!!!! :lol:

a me della gallery ha fatto morire dal ridere questa......

...della serie, no, a dire il vero, c'ero anche IO!!
l'han piazzato vicino a Hugh, sennò manco lo avevamo notato... :D

la battuta del bottone non lo so.... io la Jackobs quando parla tendo a a non ascoltarla molto.... e se era una battuta è venuta male... :lol:

secondo voi ha fatto lucidare il suo anello o è uno NUOVO????... sembra diverso... regalo di compleanno????? :rolleyes:
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view post Posted on 19/6/2008, 17:18

della storia del bottone, che in realtà è una spilla, avevo già letto non ricordo assolutamente sostanza pare che Rebecca avesse regalato a suo Padre una spilla con la scritta "sexy" e Lui l'ha indossata all'audizione per [H]OUSE come portafortuna (attualmente la spilla è conservata nel caveau della Banca d'Inghilterra) e che Lui avesse indossato la spilla in senso solito contorto "se uno è sexy, non lo dice...una spilla così la può indossare solo uno che è palesemente non sexy"... image questa cosa aveva colpito i produttori, ovviamente......l'articolo chiudeva dicendo "adesso Hugh non potrà più indossare quella spilla"

comunque padre riservato...non ha accennato al fatto che gliel'avesse regalata Becky

E' STANCO, E' TANTO STANCO :AngelStar32: :AngelStar32: :AngelStar32:

l'anello non è nuovo.....è stato lucidato per il ventesimo anniversario di matrimonio.....ho sentito Jo, me l'ha detto lei image
view post Posted on 19/6/2008, 17:59

Non la sapevo la storia della spilla.... :rolleyes: ironia della sorte, ora che è considerato (e per me è ed è sempre stato) sexy.... :P
view post Posted on 19/6/2008, 20:10




CITAZIONE (lbcz @ 19/6/2008, 18:18)
l'anello non è nuovo.....è stato lucidato per il ventesimo anniversario di matrimonio.....ho sentito Jo, me l'ha detto lei image

:D quando la senti di a Jo che è un pò taccagna.... poteva anche regalargliene una nuova!!! :P (con detector inside... per sapere dove è .. quando ... cosa fa... :lol: )

grazie per la storia della spilla.... io non l'avevo sentita prima...pensavo ad un vaneggiamento della Jacobs, visto alla reazione ''ora sprofondo nelle fibre della sedia' di Hugh.... :rolleyes: ;)
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15 replies since 14/6/2008, 15:03   429 views