spoiler sesta stagione, qui SOLO spoilers

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view post Posted on 20/5/2009, 14:13

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


ragazzi, oramai iniziano a girare i primi spoiler per la prossima stagione.. iniziamo con una intervista che TV guide ha fatto a DS. Vi ricordo che i commenti hanno il suo thread apposito!

per comodità traduco i passi più importanti, però se c'è qualcosa che volete sapere anche del resto, dite che io poi traduco.

fonte: house-md.pl

Was the Cuddy sex a fantasy? Was Cameron and Chase’s wedding real? We asked House executive producer David Shore to answer our burning questions about the finale.

After House’s detox and the Huddy sex turned out to be his fantasies, what was real in the episode? The Chase/Cameron wedding? The conversations with Wilson?
There has been some speculation about this, but we weren’t trying to pull any fast ones on the viewers. Every scene that House wasn’t in was real. But even the stuff that House was in was real—it was just his perception of the lipstick/pills that was distorted. And there was no detox or sex.

Will House really get sober this time?
He’s certainly going to purse that. We want to treat this seriously and we want to go down that road.

Why did he enter a psychiatric institution rather than rehab?
The problems are deeper than just the drugs, which are obviously an essential element of it. The fact is he used plenty of Vicodin before, but until Kutner’s death, on top of Amber’s death, he was somehow able to cope with it. He knows he needs to be locked up somewhere or it’s just not going to work. He realizes he has a problem and he has to do something about it. How that will manifest itself is what next season is all about.

What’s the future for a Cuddy/House romantic relationship?
Initally, there are bigger issues on the table, but it would be dishonest to just let that disappear. Obviously House has feelings for her. Even though the love affair didn’t happen, in House’s mind it did.

Will House be back at work when the season begins?
No. We want to deal with this in as realistic way as possible. We are going to be with House, but it’s not going to be at Princeton-Plainsboro. We want to take it through the process that House is going through.

How will House’s group at work function without his presence?
It’s always nice to pull the central cog out of something and see what happens. How Foreman and Thirteen react; how Cameron and Chase react. Those are all the things that will make this fun

per cui: tutto le scene dove non compare H (pazienti esclusi ovviamente) SONO REALI. Quindi se ci fossero ancora dubbi, anche il matrimonio di Cam e Chase. Nei primi episodi della prossima stagione vedremo Cuddy alle prese con l'ospedale e con il problema di House, che rimarrà per un pochino rinchiuso. Il vicodin c'entra, ma è soprattutto la morte di Amber unita al suicidio inaspettato di Kutner ad avere scatenato questa reazione psichiatrica in House. Sa che deve essere rinchiuso da qualche per superare il problema. Il problema sarà la questione sulla quale si incentrerà la prossima stagione.
Per quello che riguarda l'Huddy, sarebbe troppo sbrigativo farlo sparire, è evidente che House abbia dei sentimenti per Cu. Anche se il love affair non c'è stato, nella mente di H si..
Per i primi episodi inoltre, vedremo come il resto del cast reagirà alla notizia del ricovero..
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view post Posted on 30/6/2009, 15:53

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


allora, qualche piccolo spoiler da spoilertv...

iniziamo dal casting: è previsto un episodio nel quale il potw sia nientemeno che il presidente della FIFA... ex giocatore africano, l'attore deve avere un accento non english. Di seguito i requirements (oh magari..)

[ABEDNEGO] Male, 40s to 70s, AFRICAN, former world famous soccer player, now President of Fifa, the worldwide soccer organization. Please note if actor speaks any African languages. NO SOCCER SKILLS REQUIRED. GUEST STAR.

[SAM] Male 20 to 30's, AFRICAN, currently the star of the South African soccer team. Please note if actor speaks any African languages. NO SOCCER SKILLS REQUIRED. GUEST STAR.

[NANDIRA] Female, 20s to 40s, AFRICAN, sister of SAM. Please note if actor speaks any African languages sptv050769. GUEST STAR.

[JANE] Female, Chinese, 50s-70s, Actor must speak non-accented English. Please note if actor speaks Mandarin, GUEST STAR.

e continuiamo con qualche altra dichiarazione.. dal Paley

ovviamente la stagione è la sesta (anche se il pezzo riporta season three).

When we last saw Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie), he was walking into a mental institution and wrapping his head around his hallucination of having sex with Dr. Lisa Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein).

Sure, we were mad at first for the big sex scene fake-out, but we were happy to learn at last night's House event at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills that a true Huddy hookup might just be in store for season three, which starts shooting very soon and hits Fox on Sept. 21. a quanto pare un VERO momento huddy è previsto per la prossima stagione

House executive producers Katie Jacobs and David Shore, along with Hugh, Lisa and Omar Epps filled us in on House's mental state, Huddy's romantic state and the state of things at Princeton-Plainsboro...

House Has Gone Crazy: "This season opener is really going to begin shortly after those doors close behind him. We're going to wake up there and going to cover—storytelling wise in two hours—two to three months and that journey of rehabilitation that House feels he may or may not need, that he does need," says Katie. "It's not a full-on rehabilitation. House won't be perfect in any way. I describe it as if there's a hole in his heart, maybe he'll leave with one more piece, but the House is still there." Don't expect the whole season to take place in the mental institute though: "It's not going to be that much, but that two-hour premiere is basically exclusively there," adds David. House non è in piena riabilitazione e, al solito aggiungerei io, in questo non sarà perfetto

Paging Dr. Nolan: Who has the lucky job of diagnosing one of the most famous diagnosticians in the world? That job is left up to Dr. Nolan, played by Andre Braugher, whom you may remember from Gideon's Crossing. Katie describes the surely to butt heads pair: "House's version of how well he needs to be to go back to work and Nolan's version of how well he needs to be to go back to work is very different. You can check yourself in voluntarily, and you can leave voluntarily, but whether or not he's going to be permitted to practice medicine is another story. Before he is going to be allowed to practice medicine, Dr. Nolan needs to make sure House is on much sturdier ground than at the end of the season." il DOTTOR NOLAN (l'attore è uno di quelli che IU leggeva per le nominations agli Emmy assieme a Helen Mirren) sarà l'illustre collega chiamato a formulare la diagnosi a H. Piccola curiosità: il nome nolan e affini piace alla produzione: troviamo un Doctor NOLO (che potrebbe essere anche Nolan a seconda delle storpiature) nella 2x01, che lo stesso House definisce "incompetente". Mah... comunque, il dottor Nolan forumla una prgnosi molto diversa per quello che riguarda l'ablitazione alla professione (un'altra nemesi NO, per favore).. anche se House può uscire quando vuole essendosi ricoverato volontariamente, prima che possa tornare a fare il medico... avete capito

Hugh on Playing Crazy: Hop on the crazy boat, because we're in for quite a storm. Says Hugh, "House's sickness is an indispensable part of his skill, possibly his intellect, and if not his intellect, than his identity. All of us fear change because we fear even the things we dislike in our lives, we fear that they are nonetheless part of us, and if we surrender them then we will become some how less." For his time in the mental hospital, Hugh has shaved his head, saying "I have a slightly institutional look." However, being institutionalized is not all serious though, "There is just a small musical element to it. I'm completely out of my depth; I should not be doing it, but life is about risks!" jokes Hugh. Hugh si è rasato i capelli??? a quanto pare si, per il look da mental ill.. voleva avere un "aspetto istituzionale"

When the Doctor's Away, the Kids Will Play: When it comes to who's going to be in charge with House missing in action, Omar says that Foreman is stepping into the foreground: "That's sort of a natural progression. However, even in a mental institute, I would imagine House would still be in charge." Unfortunately, with every doctor trying to be the boss, it may not be good for Foreman and Thirteen (Olivia Wilde). "I think the stress of trying to take over the team is obviously going to have a strain on their relationship." Even if Foreman takes the lead, it's not going to be easy. Omar adds, "It's going to have a tremendous effect [with House gone]. Everyone is going to be second-guessing themselves. In that sense, House is a crutch for them. When all else fails, just go to him and he'll have the answers. The reality is, the other doctors are not willing to take the risks that he takes." Finally, don't expect House to waltz back into Princeton-Plainsboro ready to take over again: "You don't emerge from a psychiatric hospital and just get your medical license back all that easy. That differential diagnosis division is still going to be functioning, but whether he's going to be at the head of it initially or not, that's the question," says Katie. quando il gatto non c'è-- i topi ballano.. i paperi si troveranno parecchio spaesati, anche perchè House pur internato continuerà ad essere il capo.. foreman e Tredici non vivranno tempi facilissimi. E POI.. QUANDO HOUSE USCIRA' DA STO BENEDETTO OSPEDALE NON E' DETTO CHE TORNERA' A CAPO DEL REPARTO SUBITO..
Lisa Edelstein, Hugh Laurie, House Adam Taylor/FOX

Once He's Healed: Fans are still reeling over the imagined coupling of House and Cuddy, but Lisa tells us, "I loved the way they handled it because for one thing, it means they can still have sex. Because they haven't done it yet. In another way it shows what he wishes he had, which includes an intimate relationship with her, wanting to live with her and wanting to be off drugs. I think we learn a lot about him and we still have the opportunity of exploring it, because it hasn't been explored even though we got to shoot that sexy scene." Katie seconds that notion, "I think all those emotions, sparks, difficulties and the push and pull is still there. I think the only reason why he hallucinated that hallucination with someone he works with is because somewhere that's in his mind."Lisa: mi è piaciuto il finale perchè il fatto che non lo abbiano fatto per davvero significa che lo possono ancora fare! Evidentemente House è con lei che vuole stare, e questo è un fatto importante.. come il fatto di volersi disintossicare

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view post Posted on 14/7/2009, 10:32

Le riprese dell'episodio successivo a aqullo con solo house e wilson (season premiere) sono iniziate il 13 luglio, ieri!
view post Posted on 29/7/2009, 22:32

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


il nostro amico Omar Epps ci conferma che oggi sono iniziate le riprese del QUINTO EPISODIO! Fra qualche tempo dovrebbero fare la pausa agostana delle riprese. Degli episodi precedenti, lo stesso Omar ci anticipa... scene fourteen.. nel bagno di lei! ("è uno sporco lavoro ma qualcuno lo deve pur fare" testuali parole)
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view post Posted on 2/8/2009, 13:00

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


Katie Jacobs ha diretto il primo episodio (doppio).... <_<
dal promo si vede il suo gentil tocco... :D
Comunque, stando alle ultime di Kristin, David Shore ci racconta che dopo (questo epi?? il senso pareva quello), House torna a casa ma ancora non è reintegrato, anche se parteciperà comunque alla vita diagnostica ("se uno è genio, lo stanno ad ascoltare comunque, che gli diano la licenza o no")
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view post Posted on 6/8/2009, 12:38

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


Come anticipato dal bravo Omar Epps e confermato da Ausiello, James Earl Jones parteciperà alla 6x04, nel ruolo di Antipas Dibala, dittatore di un paese africano che diventa paziente del PPTH::
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view post Posted on 9/8/2009, 12:13

Ecco un round up degli ultimi spoiler:

ausiello dice che nella season premiere da due ore i pazienti del istituto andranno a farsi una scampagnata in un parco giochi.

Secondo shore, la season premiere , diretta dalla jacobs, saranno tutte girate nell'istituto psichiatrico, ma assicura che il perdsonaggio di house non diventerà un'latra persona, anche se probabilmente lo vedremo impegnarsi molto dipiù di migliorare la propria esistenza.
Che house riottenga o meno la licenza per esercitare, visto che è un genio i suoi consigli verranno comunque ascotati al suo ritorno al PPTH.

La voce secondo cui la sesta sarà l'ultima stagione è smentita da shore, che dice che la serie continuerà finquando siua house che gli altri personaggi continueranno a offrire spunti narrativi interessanti. house non è una serie con un inizio uno svolgimento e una fine predetrminati.

Franka Potente, l'attrice tedesca di Lola corre, apparirà nella season premiere (è quella che sbaciucchia house nel promo).

Fox Press Tour interviste video
Huddy calling: Shore, parlando della relazione immaginaria tra house e cuddy dello scorso fine stagione, afferma che la cosa non verrà ignorata - da qualche parte dovrà andare a parare - , ma neanche affrontata subito. l'inizio di stagione è troppo concentrato sui problemi mentali di house per dedicarsi anche a questoi aspetto. Tuttavia, shore invita a non sottovalutare lla realtà inventata da house con cuddy, perchè definisce esattamente qual è la vita che house sogna di avere, e sogna di viverla con cuddy. comunque, ilteam sarà piuttosto colpito dalla dipartita di house per due o tre mesi in cui è internato, e sarà riunito temporaneamente per sostituirlo. ciò porterà a delle tensioni, soprattutto tra 13 e foreman, capo ad interim.

RSL, interrogato sull'huddy, scherza dicendo che mettere da parte l'huddy è un'ottima idea, perchè i fan lo trovano noioso! a lui viene anche un po' di nausea!

Lisa invece dice che lei è contenta che l'huddy sex fosse finto, così c'è spazio per rifare tutto con una scena di real huddy sex, e commenta: "a quante capita di perdere la verginit@ due volte???" :B): (RSL fa una smorfia e dice "un alka seltzer, per favore").

Sia RSL che Lisa concordano invece sul fatto che foreman a capo del team non è una buona cosa...

La Wilde dice che all'inizio di stagione il team sarà veramente messo alla prova e si chiederà se è possibile andare avanti senza house, se sono abbastanza bravi per far funzionare la cosa senza di lui.Loro provano, perchè sono tutti molto capaci, ma house è un genio, e al suo livello nonpossono arrivare.In relazione a 13 e al fatto che foreman diventa il suo boss, la wilde dice che sa per esperienza - ha lavorato con il marito come regista - che le cose diventano parecchio difficili, i rapporti cambiano

La season premiere di house s6 inizia non dopo i soliti due mesi di aito tra una stagione e l'altra, ma pochi giorni dopo la fine della quinta stagione, ovvero poco dopo il ricovero di house. Laurie dice che il percorso per house sarà un'esperienza veramente oscura e difficile, ma positiva." il personaggio cerca la redenzione, in un modo o nell'altro, e credo che in fondi ci sia sempre un barlume di speranza, ma si deve aprtire dal fondo. house andrà icontro a una esperienza veramente traumatica." Giunto al terzo episodio, laurie non sa quando house sarà pronto per esercitare di nuovo la pratica medica. "dopo il ritorno al ppth house può agire solo come consulente perchè la sua licenza è sospesa. mentre house aspetta di riavere l'abilitazione, cerca di comportarsi il meglio possibile, stemperando i suoi soliti toni cinici. quanto durerà non si sa. ma ho i miei dubbi che resisterà molto. ”

Mentre la scena di sesso con cuddy era immaginaria, il bacio tra house e il personaggio di franka potente nell'istituto è reale. Laurie, interrogato sull'huddy e se la relazione tra i due verrà di nuovo tirata in ballo, dice scherzando "Credo proprio che se ne riparlerà, per stuzzicare il pubblico, ma ci vorranno quei quattro anni mezzo”
view post Posted on 23/8/2009, 14:04

Spoiler round up:

Ausiello: un membro del team congiunto viene licenziato da foreman nei primi tre episodi. il suo interprete non lascerà lo show e quindi dovrebbe venire essere riassunto in pochi episodi.

Ausiello: dopo essere stato dimesso dal manicomio house andrà a vivere con wilson, almeno per un paio di episodi. altri grossi cambiamenti? lezioni di cucina!

Morrison: il mio personaggio e quello di spencer torneranno al loro vecchio lavoro,
con foreman come capo. la transizione sarà ostica, soprattutto perchè cam si è sempre sentita molto vicina e molto protettiva nei confronti di house. il fatto che il suo mentore finisca in manicomio le fa riconsiderare la vita, la carriera e house stesso. il fatto che lui sia via influenza sia lei che chiunque abbia a che fare con lkui a livello sia privato che professionale.
le cose sono ancora più complicate per le coppie (vedi foreman e 13 e cam e chase): gli sposini andranno incontro a qualche frizione adesso che lavorano di nuovo assieme (che roba originale, ma non succede già con l'altra coppia??).

Ausiello: la prima vera litigata da sposati tra cam e chase avverrà nel quarto episodio, e non sarà carina.

view post Posted on 21/9/2009, 17:49

riassunto delle ultime:

House - Episode 6.01/6.02 - Broken - Press Release


Episode Directed by Executive Producer Katie Jacobs

Andre Braugher, Franka Potente and Lin-Manuel Miranda Guest-Star

House begins a detox program at Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital to get the vicodin out of his system in an attempt to control his hallucinations. House plans to leave the treatment facility once he is clean, but he is strong-armed into staying by his attending physician, Dr. Darryl Nolan (guest star Andre Braugher). Dr. Nolan agrees to write a recommendation to reinstate House’s medical license only if House agrees to further treatment. When House is moved to a new ward in the hospital, he develops a close relationship with his new roommate, Alvie (guest star Lin-Manuel Miranda), and Lydia (guest star Franka Potente), a frequent visitor who helps House bend the rules. House asks Alvie to help him uncover incriminating information about Dr. Nolan that would allow him to blackmail his way out of the treatment center and convinces Lydia to loan him her car to sneak out a delusional patient in an attempt by House to undermine Dr. Nolan’s course of treatment. But when devastating events ensue, House is humbled into reluctantly accepting help in “Broken,” the special two-hour season premiere episode of HOUSE airing Monday, Sept. 21 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/ PT) on FOX. (HOU-601/602) (TV-14 D, L, S)

Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson

Guest Cast: Andre Braugher as Dr. Darryl Nolan; Franka Potente as Lydia; Megan Dodds as Dr. Beasley; Andrew Leeds as Dr. Medina; Lin-Manuel Miranda as Alvie; Derek Richardson as Freedom Master; Jack Plotnick as Hal; Curtis Armstrong as Richter; Artemis Pebdani as Diane; Angela Bettis as Susan; Ana Lenchantin as Silent Girl; Alex Desert as Jay-Bird; Dale E. Turner as Stomp; Sloan Robinson as Nurse Safer; Meghan K. Bradley as Nurse Valez; Harrison Forsyth as Ben

House - Episode 6.03 - Epic Fail - Press Release


House returns home to Princeton where he continues to focus on his recovery, but surprises Cuddy with the news that he’s making a big change in his life. Meanwhile, the team is unable to diagnose a loud-mouthed video game creator who posts each new symptom on the internet and opts for treatments suggested by the online community rather than by the doctors, and Foreman angles for House’s job, but the pressure to solve the case creates tension in his relationship with Thirteen in the “Epic Fail” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, Sept. 28 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HOU-603) (TV-14 D, L)

Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase; Peter Jacobson as Dr. Chris Taub; Olivia Wilde as Thirteen

Guest Cast: Andre Braugher as Dr. Darryl Nolan; Fredah Foh Shen as Cecile; Rick Wasserman as Vince; Wai Mui as Lee; Brett Gilbert as Roy; Barry Pearl as Dr. Paulson; Michael J. Kirkland as Dr. Felker

Il quarto episodio si chiamerà "The Tyrant".

Dr. Gregory House has officially gone crazy, and fans are about to dive down the rabbit hole with him when House returns on Monday (8/7c, Fox).

Edelstein reveals what the hospital is like without House, who might give Cuddy a new romantic distraction and what she thinks is the ultimate endgame for "Huddy."

TVGuide.com: Fans were pretty upset with the season finale because the House and Cuddy love scene they've been waiting for was actually a hallucination.

Lisa Edelstein: The thing that I thought was good news about it is that there's only so far we can take it on the show before you change the dynamic, so the fact is, we kind of got a freebie in, because ultimately it can't really be that successful because that's not what House is about. The more time you eke out of the opportunity to just explore two people who have no relationship skills, the more we can play around. I get to be a virgin another time.

TVGuide.com: Was it awkward shooting those physical scenes with Hugh Laurie after having worked with him for so long?
Edelstein: Not for me. I wasn't awkward. Hugh kept saying how odd it was at the Paley Festival, but I'm not married, so there's no issue for me. I think Hugh is awesome, we're great friends and I love kissing, so why wouldn't I love kissing Hugh Laurie? .....

TVGuide.com: House is like a rock for everyone in the hospital. How will that change now that he's not around?
Edelstein: The team is particularly insecure. Even though they all know they're smart, nobody feels quite as smart as House. So there's a lot of second-guessing going on on the team. When you have such an overbearing father, in a sense, it's really hard to know when you can think for yourself. Learning how to think on your own two feet is a challenge when somebody is making all the decisions for you. They're all kind of faced with that.

TVGuide.com: Foreman is taking over the diagnostics department in House's absence. How does he handle the new job?
Edelstein: He's the one that demanded that position, by the way. She didn't hand it to him. He demanded it. I think she respected that, but then she's just like, 'Step up then; this is what you want to do.' He doesn't handle it so well. In trying to be the best boss he can be, he actually really screws it up.

TVGuide.com: What does Cuddy get to do this season that we haven't seen in the past?
Edelstein: This year, Cuddy is really trying to step out a little bit and get her own life and a love life and try not to be so down and up with House, which of course will probably make him go for her even more. I think there's a lot of exploration going on with that. She should get to sleep with somebody else too. All's fair in love and war. Damn it, why don't I get any love scenes with anybody else? Every once in a while, somebody shoves their tongue down your throat that you're not happy about.

Season premiere screening at the Arclight Cinema in Hollywood.

House returns September 21 on Fox.

The "House" season premiere coming up next week? So un-House like.

With all the series regulars besides Hugh Laurie -- and Robert Sean Leonard, who appears as Wilson in one very short scene -- absent from the two-hour episode which spans the several months that House spends in a mental facility, you're either going to love what the writer-producers have done or you're going to hate it.

As has been rumored, House is indeed hooking up with the character played by guest star Franka Potente... and its pretty serious.

Like so serious that our guy might shed a few tears because of it.

Uh, yeah.

Not to worry, however. According to executive producer David Shore, House -- though he'll certainly attempt to change -- will end up being the same man he's always been in the end.

Is it true that Chase is going to euthanize someone this year on House and then keep it from Cameron? — Dyan

MICKEY: "That's not quite the story," Lisa Edelstein says of the recently reported mercy-killing storyline. "They have some problems with a secret and when your partner is keeping a secret from you, you can't help but have your mind wander about what that secret is. The thing is, it's not the secret Cameron thinks it is, and when she finds out what the secret is, it's kind of worse." What could be worse?

Press release staigone & (Skyone Uk)

House - Season 6 - UK Press Release
Posted by DarkUFO at Friday, September 04, 2009 (Comments: 7)
Labels: House

Arriving on Sky1 HD earlier this year, HOUSE has cemented itself as a firm favourite with the channel’s viewers. Packed full of sarcastic witticisms from the eponymous grouchy yet genius medic, season five saw Dr Gregory House (Laurie) continue to unravel the most unusual of medical complaints (ruling out lupus each time); but a turning point came when team member Lawrence Kutner (Kal Penn) took his own life. As House struggled with his feelings about the suicide, his addiction to pain medication began to spiral out of control. Soon he was hallucinating about conversations with the deceased Amber (Anne Dudek) and as the series built to its finale a drug induced episode led House to hallucinate he had a passionate sexual encounter with love interest and sparring partner Dr Lisa Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein). As the season concluded, Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) took House to a psychiatric institution.

Moving away from Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, season six begins with a two-hour episode based in Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital where the doctor is now the patient sptv050769. “The beginning of the season is primarily focussed on House trying to find some semblance of sanity” says executive producer David Shore, “and he isn’t necessarily succeeding.” Events in the premiere episode take place over a two or three month period and Emmy® winner Andre Braugher is confirmed to guest star as House’s doctor.

As the season progresses, House’s transition back to normal life is far from easy. As the diagnostician moves in with Wilson on his release from hospital and begins his efforts to reclaim his medical licence, the relationship between House and his best friend is explored. And although taking a back seat in the series, according to Shore, House and Cuddy’s relationship will continue to spark. After all, as Wilson pointed out, House’s hallucination of sex with Cuddy was the reality he wants to exist.

Elsewhere, Foreman (Omar Epps) takes control of the diagnostics department in House’s absence, leading to tensions between himself and Thirteen (Olivia Wilde), while the newly married Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) and Chase (Jesse Spencer) return to more prominent roles in the team.

The voice of Darth Vader, James Earl Jones, will guest star later in the series as an African dictator who becomes a patient at the hospital.

Accompanying the brand new series of HOUSE will be an exclusive behind the scenes special filmed on location for Sky1 HD. HOUSE: ACCESS ALL AREAS (Working Title) will journey to Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital to see just what happens on the set of the world’s most watched TV show. With exclusive interviews with all the key cast and crew including Hugh Laurie and David Shore, plus a behind the scenes set tour from Dr Cuddy (Edelstein) HOUSE: ACCESS ALL AREAS will allow fans to get as close to the show as humanly possible in never seen before detail.

Executive produced by David Shore, Katie Jacobs and The Usual Suspects director Bryan Singer, HOUSE was the most watched television show in the world in 2008. With three technical advisors working on the show - led by Lisa Sanders an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the Yale School of Medicine - the show’s medical credentials certainly stack up. In 2005, Laurie appeared on the cover of US Magazine TV Guide as "TV's Sexiest Man" and, in 2008; House was voted the second sexiest television doctor ever, behind ER’s Doug Ross (George Clooney). The series also bares strong links with criminal detective Sherlock Holmes, and not just in House’s indifference to patients and addiction to drugs; his apartment number is 221B.
view post Posted on 22/9/2009, 11:14

Da Kristin:
Chase godrà di ampio spazio in questa stagione. Spencer racconta che cam e chase ornano al eam,per cui sarà un po' come tornare ai vecchi tempi ma cercando di fondere team vecchio e nuovo, con gente che va e viene, cercando di ottenere unnuovo equilibrio. Il personaggio di chase ha molte storyline in ballo, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l'esercizio della medicina, che comunque non è mai stato ortodosso in House.

La Wilde dice che il ritorno di house e soprattutto il suo cambiamento influenzerà gli altri personaggi e salteranno fuori lati degli altri personaggi in comune con house.

Secondo Jacobson, il personaggio di taub è contento che house abbia lasciato il Princeton a inizio stagione: è contento di non doverne più subire gli abusi. Col ritorno di house e i vari cambiamenti nelle dinamiche del team e nello stesso house, taub si sente frustrato. Non è sempre chiaro chi comanda. Taub è venuto al ppth 3 anni prima per ragioni specifiche che non sussistono più. Jacobsen dice anche che tra i pazienti ci sarà il caso di un personaggio ebreo che fa la porno star!
view post Posted on 22/9/2009, 20:00

Sinossi del quarto episodio House

Episode 6.04 - The Tyrant - Synopsis


James Earl Jones Guest-Stars

When a controversial African politician (guest star Jones) falls ill, he is brought to Princeton Plainsboro for treatment. The team struggles with whether to help a merciless dictator being subpoenaed for crimes against humanity in his country. Meanwhile, Wilson tries to make peace with a feuding neighbor, but House's prying exacerbates the problem in "The Tyrant" episode of HOUSE airing Monday, Oct. 5 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/ PT) on FOX. (HOU-604) (TV-14 D, L, V)

Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase; Peter Jacobson as Dr. Chris Taub; Olivia Wilde as Thirteen

Guest Cast: James Earl Jones as Dibala; Roger Aaron Brown as Ntila; Garikayi Mutambirwa as Ruwe; Christopher Fairbanks as Agent Bass; David Marciano as Murphy; Kelly Scott as Ama

view post Posted on 24/9/2009, 13:27

Da ausiello: secondo la jacobs, wilson riuscirà finalmente a esorcizzare il fantasma di amber entro la fine dell'anno. Wilson vive ancora nell'appartamento di amber, e ci chiediamo- dice la jacobs - fino a quanto potrà vivere nell'ombra di quella relazione.
Dopo un anno e mezzo, wilson lascerà l'appartamento per andare da un'altra parte verso l'episodio 8 o 9. Ciò avrà effetti positivi sulla relazione house wilson...

D: è verpo che hiuse dirà a cudy di amarla nell'episodio 9?
R: house dirà a qualcuno che ama cuddy.

D: è vero che vedremo la sorella di cuddy nell'episodio del Ringraziamento?
R: in realtà non la incontreremo ma c'entrerà nella storia in qualche modo.

D: quanto resterà weston?
R: da 1 a 80....

D: con l'uscita di house dall'istituto non ci sarà più occasione di vedere amber'
R:pare proprio che house si sia liberato delle visioni di amber.
view post Posted on 24/9/2009, 21:01

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


megaspoiler di AUSIELLO!!!


Princeton-Plainsboro is undergoing another major shake-up: Sources confirm to me exclusively that Jennifer Morrison is leaving House.

Neither Fox nor Morrison’s reps would comment, but I’m told the actress did not quit; her exit was a creative decision on the part of producers. Morrison — the first of the show’s original cast members to depart — shot her last scene earlier this week and her final episode will air in November.

Suspicions about Morrison’s House future were raised last week when she was MIA at the show’s premiere screening in Hollywood.

Here’s what else I’m hearing about this surprising and, I’ll say it, disappointing, turn of events.

* Unlike Kal Penn’s dearly-departed Kutner, Cameron will not be killed off.

* Morrison’s on-screen husband, Jesse Spencer (Chase), is not leaving the show. (Do the math and you can probably figure out how she’ll be written out.)

* Producers are leaving the door open for Morrison to make a guest appearance later in the season.

The last point will prove little comfort to Cameron fans, especially since this was the season Morrison’s nearly three-year stint on the backburner was supposed to end. In fact, just last month series creator David Shore told me (video below), “Chase and Cameron fans will be happy with the way we’re going to reintegrate them into the team — at least on a temporary basis.” (That temporary qualifier should’ve been a clue.) Even Morrison recently admitted it was “great” being front-and-center again. “I have been working a lot,” she told us, “and there are things that happen to House very early in the season that have a domino effect on all of the other characters.”

In pratica, Jennifer Morrison lascia il set di House, no n è lei ad andarsene ma una decisione corale... Ha girato la sua ultima scena questa settimana e l'episodio andrà in onda a novembre. Certo è che gli hanno lasciato una porta aperta, in caso volesse fare qualche apparizione più tardi della stagione. Chase comunque non lascia la serie..

si aprono le ipotesi su come succederà la dipartita!

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view post Posted on 27/9/2009, 03:20

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


grazie a Kristin e Spoilertv, riportiamo quello che sembra essere lo scoop sulla dipartita di Cameron (e della Jen..)

According to our favorite frenemy, Jennifer Morrison's run as Dr. Allison Cameron on House will end midseason, and her exit was a creative decision on the part of the producers. (Meaning Morrison didn't quit; she was written out.)

OK, so that's the alleged behind-the-scenes situation—according to a rep, "The show does not have any comment" on reports of Morrison's exit—but forget the Hollywood drama. What drives Cameron to ditch her job at Princeton-Plainsboro after more than five years in House's orbit?

Read on for the exclusive scoop we got from insiders on why Cameron leaves her husband and the hospital...

Here's what sources spill about Cameron's departure: After Chase treads a thin moral line on a case involving an African dictator, he and Cameron both decide they should get out of Princeton while the getting's good. They plan to quit the hospital together and go somewhere else where they can focus on their relationship and on each other.

And then House gets involved. Because House (Hugh Laurie) is the devil. (Argh!)

House, who loves nothing more than to pour poison in the ears of his friends, starts talking to Chase about Cameron. House suggests that Cameron forgiving Chase for his misdeeds with the dictator is out of character for her.

Shortly thereafter, Chase has an inexplicable change of heart and decides he wants to stay with House after all. Cameron is understandably upset.


According to insiders, this all goes down around episode eight.

quindi, succede qualcosa nell'epi 6x08, Chase combina qualcosa con un dittatore africano (dell'epi abbiamo il casting in questa sezione), così lui e Cam decidono di lasciare il PPTH e Princeton mentre lui è in convalescenza, per raggiungere un posto dove possano dedicarsi a loro stessi e al loro rapporto. E poi House ci mette lo zampino! e inizia a parlare di Cam a Chase.. inizia a dirle che il fatto che l'abbia perdonato non è da lei (è OOC, out of haracter). Poco dopo, Chase improvvisamente cambia idea e decide che vuole stare cn House (nel reparto di).. e Cameron va su tutte le furie. (e s'en va, diciamo noi)

Prendiamo con il dovuto condizionale, ma questo è quello che hanno rivelato fonti vicine allo show..

l'articolo intero qui
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view post Posted on 28/9/2009, 20:18

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


Da Tv guide.com

House never leaves the fans hanging... much.

While House (Hugh Laurie) was in the booby hatch relocating his sanity, the rest of the residents of Princeton-Plainsboro have yet to be seen. House left them in quite a pickle, so the first few episodes of the season will be about picking up the pieces of both the diagnostics department and their lives. The executive producers and stars of House impart some wisdom on where our favorite cranky doc and his "friends" are heading this season, which includes a big hospital shakeup, a new roommate and a road trip.

New beginnings: According to executive producer David Shore, the second episode picks up right where the premiere left off. "House is wondering whether he can go back to work, whether he should go back to work and how he can implement what he's learned in that institution," he tells TVGuide.com. "[He's] not coming back [to the hospital], at least not initially. He does not have his license anymore. He could get it back. He will get his license back eventually."
House ritorna e si chiede se può continuare a lavorare.. la licenza è sospesa.. prima o poi la riavrà

How the team deals with House: "It's very weird for everyone that he has suddenly become the patient, that he's in this vulnerable position," Olivia Wilde tells us. "It's a great way to reveal a little bit about each of these characters in a way you haven't seen before. Seeing them in power positions or vulnerable positions you haven't seen them previously occupy, or competing in a way they never have before." è strano che H sia diventato il paziente e che si trovi in questa strana situazione. e' un bel modo per rivelare un po' di ciascuno di noi che no si era mai visto finora

Not time for Cuddy... yet: "House is not going to throw himself into another relationship immediately after this," says Shore. "I think he knows he has to step back, and we spend the first several episodes of the season dealing with House trying to implement what he's learned, [and] trying to be a better person, with varying degrees of success. As we get further on, it's about trying to open himself up to relationships, perhaps with Cuddy."

ancora non è tempo per Cuddy.. House ora deve prima affrontare se stesso e non può affrontare un'altra relazione.. passeranno un po' di episodi nei quali cercherà di mettere in pratica quello che ha imparato e cercare di diventare migliore.. con vari gradi di successo. Appena ci riesce, allora è il caso di tentare un'altra rfelazione.. forse con Cuddy
Edelstein on House's new season: Cuddy should get to sleep with somebody else

House's mental romp: Lydia (Franka Potente) is not returning anytime soon, though executive producer Katie Jacobs tells TVGuide.com exclusively that they have an option on her for two more episodes. How will the steamy sex in the premiere affect House and Cuddy's relationship? "I don't want to be the one to tell her, but you'll have to see," jokes Hugh Laurie. "Cuddy has some surprises of her own to reveal. We both have secrets, I don't mean secrets from each other, but we have inner lives that we must get on with, but I think those two characters will always remain close."
Lydia (alias frankapotente) non ritornerà per ora, anche se ha una opzione per altri (eventuali) due episodi. Che effetto farà il s€sso della season premiere al rapporto House/Cuddy? Hugh: non voglio essere io a dirlo, ma dovrete vedere. Cuddy ha qualche sorpresa.. entrambi abbiamo segreti.. non segreti fra noi, ma vite private che dobbiamo portare avanti.. ma credo comunque che i due personaggi rimarranno... vicini...

New roomies: When House leaves the mental institute, he's moving in with Wilson. What's that relationship look like? "Felix and Oscar or Winnie the Pooh and Tigger," says Jacobs. "Obviously it's some sort of weird, co-dependent, enjoyable, frustrating, surprising relationship."House va a stare da Wilson. L'effetto sarà come Winnie Pooh e Tigro

Reports: Jennifer Morrison is leaving House

Hospital shake-up: The original fellowship team returns to the diagnostics department after Cuddy begrudgingly appoints Foreman the new head. "The diagnostics department only exists because of House," says Wilde. "When trying to keep it open without House, that means pulling out all the stops and bringing in all the experts, and of course, that's going to create a bigger challenge for the rest of the characters. There are only three spots and there are only three fellows."Foreman (purtroppo! di nuovo|!) diventa il capo del reparto, ma "il reparto esiste solo perchè c'è House, noi cercheremo di tenerlo aperto, ma questo vorrà dire coinvolgere tutti gli esperti e creerà forti sfide nel team. ci sono solo tre posti e tre solamente saranno gli assistenti (ah si?)

Road trip: Lake Arrowhead sets the scene for House's November sweeps episode. "We go to a resort [for a] conference," says Robert Sean Leonard. "Wilson goes up there with a very clear idea of what he wants to say. He's giving a lecture and he wants to talk about something that House thinks will end his career. It's actually more serious."l'episodio sweeps di Novembre sarà girato a Lake Arrowhead. "andremo là per un convegno, dice RSL. Wilson va laggiù sapendo bene cosa vorrà dire. Darà una conferenza nella quale dirà qualcosa che secondo House metterà fine alla sua carriera. E' un po' più serio-
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