Episodio 2x08 The Mistake

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view post Posted on 30/11/2005, 08:41

Ecco qua! A quanto pare ANCHE QUESTO è il miglior epi della stagione.....!!!!!!! Evviva!!!!

In pratica le parti +importanti:

Per - lasciatemelo dire - quelle malate (get a life!) delle shipper House/Wilson (avete capito bene) settimana spaziale, le insinuazioni sui due si sprecano!:

Wilson, "Guess I'm his best friend now."

Best line of the night!

And the whole "gay thing" House was saying, hilarious. And thank goodness they finally addressed Chase's Dad! Hooray, great ep!

Yay for gratuitous Wilson and David Shore baiting all the House/Wilson shippers with the gay remark.

the House/Wilson comments were hilarious, but i've never been a fan of a H/W pairing. they're friends, that's all.

another thing that had me laughing was Wilson's pathetic attempt at an Australian accent! so funny!

Per quanto riguarda il "Mistake":

It was Chase's fault not House's......

Yeah, but it was just an excuse for the other docs to screw House over a little, like they've probably always wanted to...

A quanto pare ne esce una questione di Stato perchè tutti vogliono che House abbassi le penne; Foremna finisce a capo della sezione, ma nessuna pensa che durerà...e ci mancherebbe!!!! Più che altro pare un dispetto di Cuddy... Viene citato il pà di Chase (è schiattato alla fine) e a quanto pare c'è un chiarimento finale tra H e Chase molto "sentito"Inutile dire che Chase ha ammazzato di palle H e co. per tutto l'epi!.

That's what I was thinking. I mean come on, House has been sued so many times and his demeanor's always been crap. Why bring about his demotion now? I guess they thought now is as good a time as any.

Yeah I guess its still crap though.....did u see the previews for next week when Cuddy was talking to Foreman about it not being temporary......if that happened I would have to shoot somebody...

Yeah I don't think Foreman likes House anyway so thats horrible for Cuddy to put him in charge....

As for Foreman being a ‘boss’: He wishes he could be as great and 'Cool' as House is!!! (by the way, notice I didn't mention Greg's obvious SEX APPEAL ). Speaking of which, how hot was he tonight??? Nobody mentioned anything! What about the white jacket with the black shirt? He really looked awesome on those promo pics that were released weeks ago! I’m sure he was just truly gorgeous!!!!

returning to the Foreman situation, it’s almost too obvious that Cuddy is not gonna hire Foreman as head of the department of Diagnostic (I mean she’s not stupid!!! Even Cameron is better that Foreman if she has to choose someone!). anyway, we know that Greg will come back to being the boss very soon, ‘cause we all know House’s da man!!!!!

now, as for this episode, i thought it was really well done. Chase was less of a wuss than he normally is, and the conversation with him and House near the end was acted out wonderfully. i'm so happy they finally cleared up the thing with Chase's dad, as sad as it was. a lot of talking about Chase here!

I think Cuddy may have set House up. I think she may have tanted with the boards disision. Maybe a way to make House's life miserable? Maybe to show him that he is not the only one that can get black mailed?
It just seems to coinicidental to me. He wasn't the one being sued but he got punnished.

I thought the House/Chase conversation near the end of the show was done really well. I felt the emotions from Chase, he did a great job.

This was a really good episode--I like the way the writer wove the story so we didn't know until the end (unless we guessed it) what really happened with the case.

House/Stacy: Stacy fa di tutto per evitare Greg, ma nonostante sia arrabbiatissima con lui per aver rubato i file delle sedute dalla psichiatra, lo ama ancora..... Vedrete, ci scapperà il morto prima che lei se ne vada!!!Addirittura alcune H/Stacy shipper dopo le recenti cadute di stile di Cam e i nuovi risvolti tra H e Stacy sono diventate shipper di quest'ultima con H!!!!!!

Best episode of the season. (pure questo!!!)

I loved the game House/Wilson were playing, with the quarters and the paper clips.
I got to thinking Stacy really does love House. She does. He stole and read her files and she still has feelings for him. But i still hate her for toying with his emotions.
Great medical story line. Loved the part when House blackmails the surgeon. And he still tells his wife. Great stuff.
Favorite part was when House looked into the camera and started talking.

In this episode, Stacy spent most of her time trying to avoid Greg up until the end... Greg eventually said to her something along the lines of, "How are two people that have feelings for each other... positive OR negative... supposed to work together?" and Stacy replied with... "It's not ALL negative"

That was a great sign after the whole file mess... I'm almost certain they hook up before she leaves DOWN WITH MARK WARNER!!!

House's patient: there's plenty in this one to support House/Stacy shippers (given that she's off in a fe episodes). The scene on the bench just before he's called into the conference room says a lot about their ambiguous relationship. She admits she still has feelings for him, despite the file incident. It's unresolved (of course!) but their dance isn't over yet. It's going to play out until her final episode. Why else would she still be there?

Unresolved to say the least... didn't Hugh Laurie say that he filmed a sex scene?? Unless he shacks up with Cuddy really quick, I'm thinking it has to be Stacy

PS: do you notice how every week you all say "it’s the best episode of the season"??? Isn’t it amazing that the people who do House are really doing a great job with the show? I mean there are some tiny details some of you would critic but I think all in all IT’S A GREAT SEASON, isn’t it? I hope it gets to my country at least next year!

I used to be a House/Cam shipper, but this ep finally made me decide that i'm now shipping for House/Stacy. in last weeks ep you could really see what a great couple they probably once were, and they both obviously want to be with each other.

Commenti sparsi:

Random comments:

1.) *Gasp* no song of the week! I like the little musical interludes, whoever picks the songs needs to release one of those "celebrity playlists".

2.) Chase looks much better in the darker colors if you ask me, but I don't like Chase, -- the weasel.

3.) LMAO at Wilson's attempt at an Australian accent.

4.) *Drools*, I got my House/Stacy moment of hope, I am happy. God they need to have sssssex already, down with Mark Warner!

5.) House dresses so great in his casual suits, why oh why does he look so hopeless when he wears a tie? He needs to borrow one of Wilson's...

6.) I'm so glad they finally addressed the issue with Chase's dad. Jesse Spencer did a really great job with that.

7.) I lost track of how many lies Chase told just in this episode!

8.) I'm not fond of Foreman. I know that's an ironic thing to say, since he's the one most like House, but if you're going to be of the highly principled yet bitter nature, at least just come straight out with the sarcasm! Foreman is smart for sure, but he's not interesting to me (character development might help and it looks like it's heading that way), and his whole demeanor with patients is a charade. All those principles just seem snobby when they come from Foreman. I'm looking forward to the comedic aspect of Foreman being boss, but other than that, I don't like it.

10.) I don't think Cuddy planned the boss switch, that sort of manipulation doesn't really match with her character. She seems more (to me) the type that resolves problems as they come. Plus, I want to like her. Haha.

11.) The wardrobe change was confusing. I kept trying to place the timeline to other episodes from the outfits, but I don't think they were in sync. That gray jacket and white shirt made him look really buff, even if he couldn't open his vicodin bottle....

12.) A lot of Chase development here. I still don't like him. Never really have. He's a weasel. He lied, and lied, and lied. He can't take responsibility for his own actions. That's the big one. That didn't stop me from feeling for him when he found out his dad died though. Very well acted.

13.) Non-show comment: My dad was talking about House (I got him hooked a while ago) before the episode. he thinks that Cameron has done drugs before (pertaining to Hunting), and I think I agree with him. The funny bit was my dad's so dissillusioned with her character now, it's hilarious. "I thought she was such a nice girl before, now look at her, doing drugs and sleeping with that doctor!" It was so funny to see! My dad usually isn't too involved in things like that.

14.) Got another friend to watch tonight. Her immediate feedback: "What a 'you' character, I may tune in next week, good show."

15.)House's false story about how he got a transplant surgeon so fast was so great! "Was it the part where he warmly clasped my hand in thanks, was that too much?"

16). also House's foursome/threesome/still having sex bit was yet another funny moment in this show. i could list more, but there are so many!

Te pareva, Cam è scesa a tutti!!!

Edited by LaurieLo - 30/11/2005, 09:04
view post Posted on 30/11/2005, 15:40

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


e te pareva! non ci è riuscito Vogler.. cmq la cosa DEVE essere temporanea.. (non diciamo eresie, please..)
quello che non mi spiego è andarci di mezzo.. se l'errore è di un altro.. lo so che son cattiva, ma in ogni cosa in cui mi han messa in mezzo mi sn incavolata come pochi, e non sopporto vederlo fatto agli altri!!!!!
vabbè, conto alla rovescia per vedere le cose risistemate..
ah, poi metto in traduzione qualcosa.. non appena torno a casa o al massimo domani.
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view post Posted on 30/11/2005, 16:53

Grazie Moky! Cmq penso che H essendo il responsabile di Chase, ci vada di mezzo per estensione... povero!
view post Posted on 30/11/2005, 17:20

Come al solito, me mozzico le mani per non poter vedere lo show in diretta, ma nemmeno in differita, con l'equino, ecc.

Tra le cose che non mi piacciono è che sto cominciando a diventare gelosa di Stacy........brutto segno per la mia vita privata, anche se continuo a pensare che la loro coppia è fenomenale, e credo di aver capito perchè, se gliene frega qualcosa a qualcuno. Il fatto è che HL assomiglia, adesso che è un pò invecchiato, al mio papà, e la Ward....beh, mia mamma aveva gli occhi più grandi e verdi! Non è che i miei erano strafigoni (oddio, forse mia mamma si, però.... smile.gif, sia chiaro, ho solo detto che gli "assomigliano" fisicamente, e soprattutto avevano un tipo di relazione molto simile a quella HOuse/stacy, due bei caratteri forti, insomma.

Per quanto riguarda Chase, mi stavo giusto chiedendo quando sarebbe morto il padre, visto che avrebbe dovuto morire dopo 3 mesi, ma ne sono passati 6, e quindi credevo in un miracolo laugh.gif (però devo dire che sono della schegge, lì alla produzione, per prendere attori di una nazionalità e che devono poi fingere di averne un'altra. L'attore che faceva la parte del padre di Chase è belga!).

E per ........
House dresses so great in his casual suits, why oh why does he look so hopeless when he wears a tie?  

devo dire che è vero, è tremendo ogni volta che gli fanno mettere una cravatta. Visto che invece HL in cravatta sta benissimo, i miei complimenti ai costumisti, che riescono a trovare le cose peggiori da mettergli addosso per fare HOuse!

Mio Dio, speriamo che si spiccino a fare 'sta cosa fra HOuse e Stace, anche se secondo me, pure quando la ward se ne andrà, faranno sì che il taglio alla relazione non sia definitivo, in modo da permettere agli sceneggiatori di tornarci sopra, se vogliono.
view post Posted on 30/11/2005, 21:16

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


allora, eccomi qui con good news: intanto House ieri è arrivato secondo nel prime time con picchi di 10,4/15 (in pratica più di 14 milioni di spettatori), primo dei TF, perchè quello che ha vinto era un altro tipo di programma, e cmq era l'ultima punta (ce lo siam scavati dosso). i concorrenti, come CiC (commander in chief) son finiti dietro.
a parte quello, vi porto la buona novella... (mooolto nataliazia.. ma d'altronde fuori nevica che Dio la manda..): rinfrancatevi fanciulle, perchè la suxvisione di House decisa dal consiglio di disciplina DURERA' UN MESE (fonte fox... più ufficiale di così).. mentre Chase verrà sospeso x una settimana, èerchè ha agito sconvolto dalla notizia della morte del padre (la grande notizia segreta era quella..)
ora, sebbene la Cuddy sia un po' cattivella e dica a Foreman che se fa il bravo potrebbe diventare definitiva... credo che dopo il mese.. beh... E LA COSA CALMA GLI ANIMI..

ok, aggiorno la bacheca e domani faccio gli aggiustamenti di sito e traduzioni!!!
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view post Posted on 30/11/2005, 23:07

io avevo sentito tre settimane....
view post Posted on 1/12/2005, 14:10

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


si beh, calcola che in teoria da un pei all'altro passa una settimana.. quindi la notizia gliela danno alla fina del 2x08, e nella due 2x09 le settimane diventano tre... happy.gif
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view post Posted on 1/12/2005, 15:43

ah vero...!
view post Posted on 2/12/2005, 17:16

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


proprio perchè se no qua l'astinenza si fa insopportabile.. vi metto i soliti tre caps..

Attached Image: mistake141iq.jpg


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view post Posted on 2/12/2005, 17:20

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


e se il server me lo xmette...

Attached Image: mistake128ct.jpg


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view post Posted on 2/12/2005, 17:25

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


"mistakes are as serious as the results they cause..." beccatevi l'inc@cchi@tura cn chase..

Attached Image: mistake161rn.jpg


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view post Posted on 2/12/2005, 18:15

Noto con piacere che Chase non dà sui nervi solo a me.... wink.gif
view post Posted on 2/12/2005, 18:28

...sono ripetitiva...che BEI caps! w00t.gif
view post Posted on 2/12/2005, 20:37

.... PUNCTURE!!!!! I WISH I WERE CARMEN ELECTRA..... zio Griss & My Baby forever!

Head of International Medicine


già.. e mi son tenuta se no inondavo il topic.. poi la Lo mi avrebbe spezzato le ditina..
cmq io ancora non capisco la storia della supervisione.. scusa, ha sbagliato Chase? che se la veda Chase!
è come quando venne Vogler: cinque secondi dopo aver visto House già lo voleva cacciare, e manco gli aveva parlato!
capisco le esigenze del plot... però..
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view post Posted on 3/12/2005, 09:59

cric cric! Scherzo, metti metti, che H con quella maglietta sta da dio!
34 replies since 30/11/2005, 08:41   587 views